(1) The proprietor of land or a lease may, by an instrument in the prescribed form, grant a servitude over his or her land or the land comprised in his or her lease, to the proprietor or lessee of other land for the benefit of that other land.
(2) The instrument creating the servitude shall specify clearly—
(a) the nature of the servitude, the period for which it is granted and any conditions, limitations or restrictions intended to affect its enjoyment; and
(b) the land burdened by the servitude and, if required by the Registrar, the particular part thereof so burdened; and
(c) the land which enjoys the benefits of the servitude,
and shall, if so required by the Registrar, include a plan sufficient in the Registrar's estimation to define the servitude.
(3) The grant or reservation of the servitude shall be completed by its registration as an encumbrance in the register of the land burdened and in the property section of the land which benefits and by filing the instrument.