(1) If the sole proprietor or a proprietor in common dies, the personal representative, on application to the Registrar in the prescribed form and on production to him or her of the grant, shall be entitled to be registered by transmission as proprietor in the place of the deceased with the addition after his or her name of the words “as executor of the will of (here insert name of deceased) deceased” or “as administrator of the estate of (here insert name of the deceased) deceased”, as the case may be.
(2) Upon production of a grant, the Registrar may, without requiring the personal representative to be registered, register by transmission—
(a) any transfer by the personal representative;
(b) any surrender of a lease or discharge of a hypothec by the personal representative.
(3) In this section, “grant” means the grant of Probate of the will or the grant of Letters of Administration of the estate of the deceased proprietor.