Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

111.   Offences


    (1)   Any person who—


      (a)     knowingly misleads or deceives any person authorised by or under this Act to require information in respect of any land or interest in land;


      (b)     fraudulently issues or makes, or fraudulently procures the issue or making, of any certificate or other document, or any registration or any erasure or alteration in any certificate or other document or in any register;


      (c)     fraudulently uses, assists in fraudulently using or is privy to the fraudulent use of any instrument or form purporting to be issued or authorised by the Registrar; or


      (d)     causes any defacement, obliteration, mutilation or unauthorised entry or alteration to be made on or in any register or filed instrument,


    commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $5,000 or to imprisonment of one year.


    (2)   If a person after the delivery to him or her of a summons to attend before the Registrar or to produce any document neglects or refuses without reasonable cause to attend in accordance with the summons, or to produce any document which he or she is required by the summons to produce, or to answer upon oath or otherwise any question which is lawfully put to him or her by the Registrar under the powers conferred by this Act, he or she commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $100.