Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

2.   Interpretation

In this Act, except where the context otherwise requires—

application book” means the application book referred to under section 4(d);

consideration” has the same meaning as in article 917A of the Civil Code;

Court” save as is otherwise expressly provided, means the High Court of Saint Lucia;

creditor” means the proprietor of a hypothec;

curator” has the same meaning as explained in Chapter Third of Book Tenth, article 297 et seq. of the Civil Code;

dealing” includes disposition and transmission;

debtor” means the proprietor of hypothecated property;

disposition” means any act inter vivos by a proprietor whereby his or her rights in or over his or her land, lease or hypothec are affected, but does not include an agreement to transfer, lease or hypothecate such land;

to file” means to place in the relative parcel file;

hypothec” has the same meaning as in article 1908 of the Civil Code;

income” has the same meaning as in article 2141 of the Civil Code;

instrument” includes any deed, judgment, decree, order or other document requiring or capable of registration under this Act;

interest in land” includes ownership of land;

land” means immovable property as defined in article 335 of the Civil Code;

Land Register” means the Land Register compiled under Division 2 of Part 2;

lease” has the same meaning as in article 1509 of the Civil Code;

legal practitioner” means a person who has been admitted to practice under the Legal Profession Act and who is ordinarily resident in Saint Lucia and is entitled to practice at the bar;

lessee” means the holder of a lease;

lessor” means the proprietor of leased land;

Minister” means the Minister having responsibility for Planning and Development; (Amended by Act 7 of 1986)

minor” has the same meaning as in article 213 of the Civil Code;

parcel” includes–


    (a)     an area of land separately delineated on the Registry map and given a number;


    (b)     an existing unit of a building declared to be a condominium in accordance with the Condominium Act and given a number; and


    (c)     an existing unit of a building formed from the horizontal or vertical division of a building and given a number;

personal representative” means executor of the will or administrator of the estate;

proprietor” means the person registered under this Act as the owner of land or a lease or a hypothec;

proprietor in common” means the owner of an undivided share in land or in any interest in land;

the register” means the leaf of the Land Register kept in respect of a parcel of land or of a registered lease;

to register” means to make an entry, note or record in the register under this Act, and “registered”, “unregistered” and “registration” bear corresponding meanings;

Registrar” means the Registrar of Lands appointed under section 5;

registration section” means a registration section established under section 14;

Registry” means the land registry established under section 4;

Registry Map” means the map or series of maps referred to in section 14;

servitude” has the same meaning as in article 449 of the Civil Code;

transfer” means the passing of land, a lease or a hypothec by act of the parties and not by operation of law, and also the instrument by which such passing is effected but does not include an agreement to transfer;

transmission” means the passing of land, a lease or a hypothec from one person to another by operation of law on death or insolvency or otherwise and includes the compulsory acquisition of land under any written law;

trust for sale” has the same meaning as in article 2141 of the Civil Code;

trustee” includes a personal representative;

tutor” has the same meaning as explained in Chapter Second of Book Ninth, article 217 et seq. of the Civil Code.

(Amended by Act 19 of 2006)