Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

6.   General powers of Registrar

The Registrar may exercise the following powers in addition to any other powers conferred on him or her by this Act, that is to say—


    (a)     he or she may require any person to produce any instrument, certificate or other document or plan relating to the land, lease or hypothec in question, and that person shall produce the same;


    (b)     he or she may summon any person to appear and give any information or explanation respecting land, a lease or a hypothec, or any instrument, certificate or other document or plan relating to the land, lease or hypothec in question, and such person shall appear and give such information or explanation;


    (c)     he or she may refuse to proceed with any registration if any instrument, certificate or other document, plan, information or explanation required to be produced or given is withheld or any act required to be performed under this Act is not performed;


    (d)     he or she may administer oaths or take a declaration in lieu thereof, and may require that any proceedings, information or explanation shall be verified on oath or by statutory declaration;


    (e)     he or she may order that the costs, charges and expenses incurred by him or her or by any person in connection with any investigation or hearing held by him or her for the purpose of this Act shall be borne and paid by such person in such manner and in such proportions as he or she may think fit, and the amount of any such costs, charges and expenses as shall have been incurred by the Registrar shall be deemed to be a fee to which the provisions of sections 112 and 113 shall apply.