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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Application of this Act
4. Registration district
5. Administration of Land Registry
6. General powers of Registrar
7. Indemnity of officers
8. Seal of Registry
9. The Land Register and the Land Adjudication Act
10. Compilation of the Land Register
11. Registration
12. Cancellation of obsolete entries
13. New editions of Register
14. Registry Map and Land Adjudication
15. Correction of the Registry Map and new editions
16. Mutation
17. General boundaries
18. Fixed boundaries
19. Maintenance of boundary features
20. Interference with boundary features
21. Combinations and subdivisions
22. Reparcellation
23. Effect of registration with absolute title
24. Effect of registration with provisional title
25. Effect of registration of a lease
26. Effect of Registration of Crown Land
27. Voluntary transfer
28. Overriding interests
29. Conversion of provisional into absolute title
30. Entries to constitute actual notice
31. Land certificates and certificates of lease
32. Production of certificate
33. Dispositions of leases and hypothecs
34. Lost or destroyed certificates
35. Searches and copies
36. Evidence
37. Subsequent dealings
38. Protection of persons dealing in registered land
39. Additional fee for delayed registration
40. Power to compel registration
41. Priority of registered interests
42. Stay of registration
43. Merger of registered interests
44. Leases
45. Registration of leases
46. Lessor's consent to dealing with lease
47. Substitution of leases
48. Surrender of leases
49. Determination of leases
50. Voluntary registration of leases
51. Form and effect of hypothecs
52. Creditor's consent to transfer
53. Variation of hypothecs
54. Discharge of hypothec
55. Satisfaction of hypothecs
56. Transfers
57. Conditional transfers not registrable
58. Transfer of part
59. Transfer of unregistered leases
60. Servitudes
61. Release and extinguishment of servitude
62. Registration of more than one proprietor
63. Characteristics of proprietorship in common
64. Partition of land owned by proprietors in common
65. When Registrar may order sale
66. Procedure where share is small
67. Form of instrument
68. Execution of instruments
69. Stamps
70. Disposal of instruments
71. Minors
72. Agents and persons under disability
73. Gift to person under disability
74. Powers of attorney
75. Effect of registered power of attorney
76. Transmission on death of sole proprietor or proprietor in common
77. Effect of transmission by death
78. Transmission on bankruptcy
79. Liquidation
80. Transmission by compulsory acquisition or judgment of court
81. Trusts
82. Survivor of Trustees
83. Power of Court to inhibit registered dealings
84. Effect of inhibition
85. Cancellation of inhibition
86. Lodging of cautions
87. Notice and effect of cautions
88. Withdrawal and removal of cautions
89. Second caution in respect of the same matter
90. Wrongful cautions
91. Restrictions
92. Notice and effect of restrictions
93. Removal and variation of restrictions
94. Acquisition of land by prescription
95. Procedure when land acquired by prescription
96. Registration of servitudes acquired by prescription
97. Rectification by Registrar
98. Rectification by Court
99. Right to Compensation
100. Amount of Compensation
101. Procedure for claiming compensation
102. Recovery of compensation paid
103. Errors in survey
104. Power of Registrar to state case
105. Appeals
106. Effect of appeals on disposition
107. Appeal rules
108. Addresses
108A. Identification
109. Service of notices
110. Meaning of “opportunity of being heard”
111. Offences
112. Fees
113. Recovery of fees and expenses
114. Enforcement of Registrar's orders for payment
115. Jurisdiction of Courts
116. Rules
117. Saving of rights
118. Act to bind Crown
119. Other Law
Land registration Rules – Section 16