23. Effect of registration with absolute title
Subject to the provisions of sections 27 and 28 registration the registration of any person as the proprietor with absolute title of a parcel shall vest in that person the absolute ownership of that parcel together with all rights and privileges belonging or appurtenant thereto, free from all other interests and claims whatsoever, but subject—
(a) to the leases, hypothecs and other encumbrances and to the conditions and restrictions, if any, shown in the register; and
(b) unless the contrary is expressed in the register, to such liabilities, rights and interests as affect the same and are declared by section 28 not to require noting on the register.
(i) this section shall not be taken to relieve a proprietor from any duty or obligation to which he or she is subject as a trustee,
(ii) the registration of any person under this Act shall not confer on him or her any right to any minerals or to any mineral oils unless the same are expressly referred to in the register.