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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Accreditation Act
4. Act binds the Crown
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
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4. Act binds the Crown
This Act binds the Crown.
4. Act binds the Crown
1. Short title and commencement
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Application
5. Purpose
6. Establishment of the Council
7. Constitution of the Council
8. Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Council
9. Disqualification
10. Functions of the Council
11. Powers of the Council
12. Independence of the Council
13. Delegation by the Council
14. Official seal
15. Term of appointment
16. Resignation
17. Revocation of appointment
18. Vacancy
19. Validity of proceedings
20. Leave of absence of member and alternate member
21. Remuneration of member
22. Executive Director
23. Secretary and staff
24. Council to regulate its own procedure
25. Meetings
26. Quorum
27. Presiding at meeting
28. Conduct of meetings of the Council
29. Committees of the Council
30. Co-opting
31. Confidentiality and oath of secrecy
32. Declaration of interest
33. Abstention from voting
34. Directions by the Minister
35. Protection from liability
36. Restriction on programmes of study
37. Application for accreditation
38. Request for further information to support application
39. Consideration of application by the Council
40. Decision on application
41. Issue of certificate of accreditation
42. Accreditation Mark
43. Re-accreditation
44. Revocation
45. Accreditation Register
46. Exemptions
47. Appeal
48. Operational plan
49. Information on management and organizational change
50. Access to premises
51. Availability of information and documents
52. Non-accredited activity
53. Use of certificate of accreditation
54. Display of certificate of accreditation
55. Reference to accreditation
56. Discontinuance of accreditation
57. Funds of the Council
58. Application of funds
59. Borrowing powers
60. Guarantee of borrowing
61. Financial year
62. Accounts
63. Audit
64. Auditor's report
65. Annual report
66. Amendment of Schedules
67. Regulations
68. Transitional
Schedule 1
Schedule 2