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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Provision for suspension of compulsory sections
4. Obligation on parent to have newborn child vaccinated
5. Further proceedings after performance of vaccination
6. Certificate of successful vaccination
7. Giving of certificate of unfitness for vaccination
8. Giving of certificate of unsusceptibility of successful vaccination
9. Right of any person to be vaccinated or revaccinated
10. Arm to arm vaccination prohibited
11. Notification respecting vaccination to be given on registration of birth
12. Book to be kept by District Registrar, and fees payable to him or her
13. Account of fees payable to be made up by District Registrar
14. Making out of list of cases of omission to procure vaccination, and proceedings
15. Form of returns
16. Supply of books to District Registrars
17. Persons arriving from infected place to be vaccinated or re-vaccinated
18. Penalty on parent neglecting to have child vaccinated or inspected
19. Penalty on Public Vaccinator neglecting to transmit certificate
20. Punishment for signing false certificate
21. Judicial proceedings in certain cases of omission to procure vaccination
22. Punishment of person producing smallpox in another person
23. Recovery of penalty and procedure thereof
24. Imprisonment in default of payment of penalty
25. Proof of charge for neglecting to procure vaccination of child
26. Limitation of time for making complaint under the Act
27. Governor General may amend Forms in Schedule