8. Registration of rules
The persons intending to establish a society shall transmit to the Registrar 2 copies of the rules agreed upon by them for the government of the society, signed by 3 of such persons and by the intended secretary or other officer; and the Registrar, if he or she finds that the rules contain all the provisions set out in section 7 , and that they are in conformity with this Act, shall return one copy of the rules to the secretary or other officer of the society, with a certificate of incorporation, and shall retain and register the other copy. However, a society shall not be registered under this Act in a name identical with that in which a subsisting society is already registered, or so nearly resembling the same as to be calculated to deceive, unless such subsisting society is in the course of being terminated or dissolved, and consents to such registration. The society shall supply to any person requiring the same a complete printed copy of the rules, with a copy of the certificate of incorporation appended thereto, and shall be entitled to charge for every such printed copy of rules a sum not exceeding $3.