(1) The secretary or other officer of a society shall, once at least in every year, prepare—
(a) an account of all receipts and expenditure of the society since the preceding statement;
(b) a general statement of its funds and effects, liabilities and assets, showing—
(i) the amount due to the holders of the various classes of shares, and to depositors and creditors for loans,
(ii) the balance due or outstanding on their hypothecary obligations or mortgage securities, not including prospective interest, and
(iii) the amount otherwise invested.
(2) Every such account and statement shall be attested by the auditor or auditors to whom the hypothecs, mortgage deeds and other securities belonging to the society shall be produced; and the account and statement shall be countersigned by the secretary or other officer.
(3) Every member, depositor, and creditor for loans shall be entitled to receive from the society a copy of the account and statement, and a copy thereof shall be sent to the Registrar within 14 days after the annual or general meeting at which it is presented.