Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

6.   Content and structure of national waste management strategy


    (1)   The National Waste Management Strategy shall include—


      (a)     a summary of the waste inventory and characterisation of waste complied under section 5;


      (b)     an evaluation of historic, current or proposed activities that impact upon the volume or type of waste generated in Saint Lucia;


      (c)     a review of national waste diversion and reduction options;


      (d)     an evaluation of national environmental and pollution control policies that may impact upon the nature or volume of waste generated in Saint Lucia;


      (e)     an implementation programme outlining mechanisms, programmes, policies, and strategies that are to be established to ensure that waste management is carried out in such a manner so as not to adversely impact on human health or the environment;


      (f)     a national emergency plan in conformity with the requirements of the Disaster Management Act or any enactment replacing it;


      (g)     any other matter which in the opinion of the Authority is relevant to the effective management of waste.


    (2)   The implementation programme developed under subsection (1)(e) shall amongst other things establish—


      (a)     standards, requirements and procedures for the management of all waste, including the generation, handling, storage, treatment, transport and disposal of all types of waste;


      (b)     requirements and procedures for the issuance, monitoring and enforcement standards for the construction or operation of waste management facilities or equipment;


      (c)     physical infrastructure requirements to provide waste management services;


      (d)     measures for addressing dumping of litter, wastes and derelict vehicles;


      (e)     outline financing and cost recovery mechanisms to ensure the financial viability of all waste management activities;


      (f)     outline measures for effective training of staff involved in solid waste management and effective public education and awareness regarding solid waste management.


    (3)   The National Waste Management Strategy shall, in particular—


      (a)     establish standards and procedures to be implemented in the reduction, recycling of, recovery, reclaiming and re-use of waste and the use of recycled substances;


      (b)     identify methods by which hazardous and bio-medical wastes and other specified classes of solid waste substances are to be managed;


      (c)     identify methods by which solid waste is to be transported in such a way that it does not present a threat to human health, safety or the environment;


      (d)     establish standards and procedures for the location of waste disposal sites and plants;


      (e)     establish standards and procedures for the safe removal, and disposal of litter;


      (f)     classify, for the purpose of waste management, premises from which waste is generated;


      (h)     classify, for the purposes of disposal and treatment, different types of waste;


      (i)     establish targets for the reduction of waste to be achieved and commencement dates, with the objective of—


        (i)     reducing by 20% all solid waste by 1 January, 2010, through source reduction, recycling and composting activities;


        (ii)     providing further reductions in solid waste at rates of no less than 5% per decade after the year 2010 until such time as a 50% reduction is achieved through source reduction, recycling and composting activities;


      (j)     design waste management measures in such a manner that the costs arising from pollution are met by the polluters;


      (k)     subject to paragraph (i), design waste management measures in such a manner as to recover costs from those who benefit from those measures; and


      (l)     identify suitable enforcement mechanisms and appropriate mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the National Waste Management Strategy, including, where appropriate, the use of economic instruments.


    (4)   In preparing the National Waste Management Strategy, the Authority shall undertake an evaluation of the social, environmental and economic impacts of the Strategy, and the findings of such an evaluation shall be contained in the Strategy submitted to Cabinet for approval under section 7.