Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

8.   Jurisdiction of the Bishop


    (1)   The Bishop shall have and exercise the like control over the Clergy, and, in all ecclesiastical matters, the same ecclesiastical jurisdiction, in this part of his Diocese, as a Bishop of the Church of England in England has in the like case by the law for the time being in his Diocese: Provided, however, that the same be not contrary to the laws, usages, or customs of Saint Lucia.


    (2)   Every person who is aggrieved by any act or decision of the Bishop, from which act or decision such person would in England have a right of appeal shall, until some other mode of appeal is adopted by the Church Council, within 3 months of such act or decision, after giving to the Bishop notice in writing of his intention so to do, have the right of appealing from the Bishop to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose decision shall be final.

The Trustees