For the purposes of sections 6 and 7 a satisfactory system of drainage shall be deemed to exist—
(1) In respect of foul water—
(a) where a foul water sewer or a lateral drain of sufficient depth lies within a distance not exceeding 100 feet from the curtilage of a building and all foul water is conveyed from the curtilage of the building to a foul water sewer or lateral drain by a drain constructed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter contained; or
(b) where a foul water sewer or lateral drain of sufficient depth does not exist within a distance not exceeding 100 feet from the curtilage of the building and is unlikely to exist within a period of 3 months from the date of completion of a system of drainage which might otherwise connect to a sewer, the foul water from such a system of drainage is disposed of by one of the following methods—
(i) by conveyance to a foul water sewer by a drain or by a lateral drain constructed by the Sewerage Authority in accordance with the requirements hereinafter contained,
(ii) by conveyance to a septic tank by a drain all constructed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter contained,
(iii) by the provision of a pail closet or of an earth closet constructed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter contained and where the Sewerage Authority is satisfied that a suitable place for the deposit or burial of the contents of the receptacles of such pail closet or earth closet is available within a reasonable distance of the building,
(iv) by the provision of a pail closet constructed in accordance with the requirements contained in regulation 18 in the Schedule 1 hereto where the Sewerage Authority is satisfied that arrangements for depositing the contents of the receptacle of such pail closet into a foul water sewer through a collecting hopper provided for such purpose are available within a reasonable distance in a locality prescribed for such hopper by regulations made under this Act:
Provided always that no uncontaminated surface water or subsoil water shall be permitted to discharge into any foul water sewer.
(2) In respect of surface water—
(a) where the surface water is not collected for use and is conveyed from a building and its curtilage to a watercourse or, with the permission of the sewerage authority, to a soakaway by a drain or open channel constructed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter contained; or
(b) where the surface water is collected for the use of a building (such surface water being stored in a proper covered receptacle) and provision is made for the conveyance of any surface water overflowing from such receptacle away from the said building and its curtilage into a watercourse or to a soakaway by a drain or open channel constructed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter contained:
Provided always that no surface water shall be permitted to become static other than in a proper covered container and all depressions on the building or on its curtilage which would enable surface water to collect and remain static shall be removed. No foul water shall be permitted to gain access to any watercourse or to any soakaway.
(3) For the purposes of this Act a system of drainage shall be deemed to have been completed on such date as may be prescribed by order made by the Governor General.
(4) The power conferred by the preceding subsection shall include the power to make an order prescribing the date of completion of a part of a system of drainage.