(1) The Castries Corporation shall be the Sewerage Authority for the sewerage area comprising the City of Castries and a distance of ½ a mile from the limits thereof and the public sewers within the said sewerage area shall be vested in the Council who shall as such Sewerage Authority manage and supervise the sewerage and drainage system thereof and generally carry into effect the provisions of this Act with respect to the said sewerage area : Provided always that is shall be lawful for the Governor General to appoint one or more Commissioners, not members of the Corporation, to hold an inquiry into the condition of the sewerage and drainage system and into the manner in which the provisions of this Act have been carried into effect by the Sewerage Authority, and the said Commission shall report in writing to the Governor General, and the said report shall be laid before the House of Assembly. The said Commission shall have the right to examine all documents, plans and accounts belonging to the Sewerage Authority in connection with the sewerage and drainage system and to carry out any experiments or tests that may in its opinion be desirable. The Sewerage Authority shall afford the said Commission all information that it may desire, and the cost of such inquiry shall be paid by the Sewerage Authority.