Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Schedule 1


(Section 31)




2.Connection to foul water sewer
3.Lateral drain


4.Layout of system of drainage
5.Construction of drainage works
6.Requirements as to drainage pipes
7.Jointing of pipes used for drains
8.Requirements as to soil, ventilating and waste pipes
9.Requirements as to rainwater pipes, gutters and fittings
10.Connection of soil pipes to drain
11.Connection of soil fitments to soil pipes
12.Waste pipes
13.Gully traps




15.Septic tanks


16.Water closets




18.Pail closets


19.Earth closets


20.Curtilage to be kept free from static water
21.Roof to be effectually drained


22.Water tanks


23.Mineral sulphates


1.   Citation

These Regulations may be cited as the Public Health (Sewerage and Drainage) Regulations.


2.   Connection to foul water sewer

Where a connection is required to be made to a foul water sewer such connection shall be made as follows—


    (1)   where the connection is to be made—


      (a)     directly into a manhole without a drop connection the stopper of any conveniently situated joinder junction shall be cut away and the spigot of the first of the connecting pipes shall be jointed to the junction using a double collar if necessary: Provided always that if a joinder junction is not conveniently situated a neat hole shall be cut in the walls of the manhole such that the crown of the connecting pipe is level with the crown of the foul water sewer and the first of the connecting pipes shall be built into the manhole wall with its spigot flush with the inside face of the wall and the connection shall be continued and haunched inside the manhole as hereinafter described in regulation 14 of these Regulations;


      (b)     into a manhole which has been provided with a drop connection the stoppers of the 2 joinder junctions provided shall be cut away and—


        (i)     a rest bend shall be jointed to the lower junction and a tumbling bay junction shall be jointed to the upper junction and a vertical pipe shall connect the rest bend to the tumbling bay junction, and the rest bend, tumbling bay junction and vertical pipe shall be surrounded with concrete 6 inches thick, or


        (ii)     a small chamber of internal dimensions of one foot cube shall be built against the lower of the 2 junctions in concrete with one face made monolithic with the wall of the manhole and a vertical pipe built into the roof of the chamber such vertical pipe being extended to and jointed with a square junction jointed to the upper junction, the vertical pipe and square junction being surrounded with concrete 6 inches in thickness and monolithic with the wall of the manhole;


      (c)     to a square junction left for that purpose on a sewer—


        (i)     the concrete surround to the junction shall be cleaned and the temporary stopper shall be carefully removed,


        (ii)     a short length of concrete pipe not less than 12 inches in diameter shall be cut and connected in a watertight manner with 2 6-inch diameter pipes suitably inclined and approximately diametrically opposite to one another and the concrete pipe shall then be laid on a bed of mortar over the open vertical pipe of the junction, and any inside projection on to the junction shall be sloped up to the wall of the pipe with mortar, and


        (iii)     the open end of the concrete pipe shall be sealed in a watertight manner and this improvised “Y” junction shall be surrounded with and covered with concrete 6 inches in thickness and monolithic with the concrete, if any, of the sewer: Provided always that a purpose made “Y” junction sealed at one end may be used in place of the improvised junction.


    (2)   No connection shall be made on a sewer when no square junction has been left for that purpose unless the Sewerage Authority is satisfied that the watertightness of the sewer will not be prejudiced by the connection in which case sufficient pipes may be cut out of the sewer to permit of the interpolation and jointing in the sewer of a suitable junction.

3.   Lateral Drain

The open end of the pipe or pipes forming a connection to a foul water sewer shall be jointed to a line of pipes laid in a manner similar to that hereinafter described for drains and extending to a lateral drain manhole constructed in a manner hereinafter described in a suitable position, generally near the boundary of the road opposite, to the point of connection to the foul water sewer, and such manhole shall be provided with a sufficient number of joinder junctions effectually to connect to all drains likely to be laid in the vicinity and the lateral drain shall be extended from this manhole in a direction parallel with that of the sewer to a position capable of receiving the drain from the most remote building likely to drain into that lateral drain. The lateral drain shall terminate with a bend to facilitate the entry of the furthermost drain and it shall be provided with suitable junctions or joinder junctions to permit of other drains or anticipated future drains connecting therewith. Watertight seals shall be provided to all pipes and junctions not immediately to be connected to drains.


4.   Layout of System of Drainage


    (1)   Where the system of drainage is to connect to a lateral drain or to a septic tank or, in the case of surface water, where it is to connect to a watercourse or soakaway the drain shall be laid from the point of connection in a straight line to a manhole near the building and within its curtilage located conveniently for the reception of soil and waste water or for the reception of surface water and the drain shall continue beyond such manhole in a straight line to any further manhole or manholes which may be necessary effectively to receive from the building and its curtilage the whole of the soil and waste water or the whole of the surface water not required to be stored for use. Where the system is for the drainage of foul water, provision must be made as hereinafter specified for the ventilation of the drain at or near the end or ends remote from the lower end of the drain.


    (2)   Where the system is to connect to a lateral drain which has no convenient junction already provided a manhole must be provided on the lateral drain at the point of connection to the drain.


    (3)   Where the site coverage is such that the owner's outfall manhole cannot conveniently be within the curtilage of his or her property the Sewerage Authority may agree to the construction of this manhole within the public space.


    (4)   No connections shall be made between systems of drainage dealing with foul water and systems of drainage dealing with surface water.


    (5)   When the dual system of drainage is adopted:


      (a)     the soil shall generally enter the drain, if above the ground floor by soil pipes and if at the ground floor by drains both connected directly to the nearest suitable manhole;


      (b)     waste water shall generally enter the drain if above the ground floor by waste pipes and or waste water pipes discharging into collecting heads on waste water pipes, or connected directly to waste water pipes which discharge over or into gully traps connected to the drain and if at ground floor by discharging over or into gully traps, and thence by pipes connected directly to the nearest suitable manhole;


      (c)     surface water from above ground floor shall by a suitable arrangement of rain water pipes, be discharged into open channels connecting to road drains or soakaways. No open channels will be permitted to cross public footpaths. Such crossings must be piped and the pipes laid at sufficient depth to allow the footpath surfacing to be carried over the pipe.


    (6)   Where the one pipe system of drainage is adopted:


      (a)     soil and waste water shall generally discharge into the soil pipe if the connection is 12 inches or more above the invert of the connecting drain below ground level, and if not, soil shall discharge directly into the drain and waste water indirectly into the drain by discharging over and into gully traps connected to the drain;


      (b)     the destruction of the water seal of fittings required to be trapped as hereinafter specified, shall be guarded against by the use of approved deep seal traps. A trap having a water seal of not less than 3 inches shall be deemed to be a deep seal trap for the purpose of this Act.


    (7)   No waste water pipe, soil pipe or ventilating pipe shall be trapped but all waste pipes connecting thereto shall be trapped effectually at the sanitary fitting by a trap so constructed as to be capable of maintaining a sufficient water seal.


    (8)   Every branch drain shall at the point of junction join a main drain obliquely in the direction of the flow of such drain and all bends and turns shall be truly curved and any alteration in the size of the pipe shall be properly tapered and of good shape. Junctions shall wherever practicable be crown to crown.

5.   Construction of Drainage Works

Drains shall consist of pipes and channels laid true to line and levels and provided with all necessary bends, tapers and junctions to permit of the contents flowing at a self-cleansing velocity without settlement or scour to the outfall. The pipes shall be watertight and where they pass under a building they shall be of cast iron or shall be surrounded with concrete 6 inches in thickness save that where any pipe passes through any wall or beam it shall be protected against any settlement of such wall or beam by being separated therefrom with a gap of 3 inches which gap shall be unoccupied or shall be closed with a material which is incapable of transmitting an excessive load.

6.   Requirements as to Drainage Pipes


    (1)   Pipes used for drains shall comply with the following requirements—


      (a)     the pipes shall be of adequate size. Where used for the conveyance of foul water they shall be 4 inches in diameter except where the Sewerage Authority requires the use of pipes of larger diameter;


      (b)     the pipes shall be laid to even falls between manholes to gradients normally of 1 in 40 and not steeper than 1 in 10 provided always that the Sewerage Authority may agree to a flatter gradient;


      (c)     the pipes shall be laid with the barrel of the pipe resting on a good solid and even bed free from irregularities with any projecting socket sunk below the foundation if—


        (i)     if an even bed cannot be formed in the natural earth the pipes must be laid on a bed of concrete 4 inches in thickness under the barrel and 8 inches wider than the external diameter of the pipe,


        (ii)     if the pipe has less than 3 feet of cover and forms a part of a system connected to a public sewer it shall be surrounded with concrete 6 inches in thickness: Provided always that where cast iron pipes are used the Sewerage Authority may waive the requirements of this subparagraph.

7.   Jointing of Pipes Used for Drains

The jointing of pipes for drains shall be as follows—


    (1)     Spigot and socket stoneware pipes or spigot and socket spigot and concrete pipes shall be brought up tight together and held concentrically with 3 or more turns of tarred spun yarn and the remainder of the joint shall be filled flush and bevelled off clear of the pipe angle of 60 degrees with mortar. Any excess mortar shall be removed from the inside of the pipe with a half round scraper.


    (2)     Ogee concrete pipes shall have the ogee joint covered with mortar and the pipes shall be brought up tight together. A mortar fillet half an inch thick and 4 inches wide shall be placed centrally about the outside of the joint for the full perimeter of the pipes and any excess mortar shall be removed from the inside of the pipe with a half round scraper, provided always that where the pipes are to be surrounded with concrete the fillet may be omitted.


    (3)     Where Stanton Cornelius jointed pipes are used a suitable rubber ring shall be placed at the spigot end of one of the 2 pipes to be jointed and the 2 pipes shall be pushed tightly home by hand, by the use of jacks or by the use of sylvesters whichever method is the most convenient.


    (4)     Cast iron spun and steel spigot and socket pipes shall be brought up tight together and held concentrically with 3 or more turns of tarred spun yarn and the remainder of the joint shall be filled flush with molten lead or lead wool caulked home and finished 1/16 of an inch inside the socket.


    (5)     The flanges of cast iron pipes shall be brought together with a suitable insertion between the flanges which shall then be securely bolted together.


    (6)     The asbestos cement pipes shall be brought together with a suitable rubber ring on both ends and a detachable cast iron joint shall be securely bolted in position and shall be encased with bitumen. Alternatively a suitable asbestos cement sleeve may be rolled into position over the 2 rubber rings.

8.   Requirements as to soil, ventilating and waste pipes


    (1)   Pipes used for soil pipes, ventilating pipes and waste water pipes shall comply with the following requirements—


      (a)     soil ventilating pipes shall be of adequate size and shall be 4 inches in diameter except where the Sewerage Authority requires the use of pipes of larger diameter;


      (b)     anti-syphonage pipes to traps of water closets, slop sinks, lavatory basins, sinks, urinals and all other sanitary fittings shall be a minimum of 2 inches in diameter and connected to a soil and ventilating pipe at least 3 feet above the highest soil or waste water connection to such soil and ventilating pipe or carry up as for a bent pipe as described in subparagraph (c) of paragraph (1) of this regulation and in paragraph (3) of regulation 16;


      (c)     the pipes shall be securely fixed at intervals not exceeding 4 feet to the walls of the building or to other suitable support. Where a pipe is to be used either wholly or partially as a ventilating pipe it shall be extended to such a height as effectually to prevent any escape of foul air from such pipe into any building in the vicinity thereof and in no case to a less height than 3 feet above the eaves of any adjoining roof or to less height than 3 feet above the top of any window, door or ventilator which shall be within an unobstructed distance of 20 feet horizontally from the open end of such pipe. The open end of any ventilating pipe shall be provided with an approved balloon.


    (2)   Cast iron spigot and socket pipes shall be brought up tightly together and held concentrically with 3 or more turns of tarred spun yarn and the remainder of the joint shall be filled flush with molten lead or lead wool caulked home and finished 1/16 of an inch inside the socket.


    (3)   Asbestos cement pipes shall be brought up tightly together and held concentrically with tarred spun yarn and pointed with mortar.


    (4)   Where any lead waste pipe is required to connect to any metal or fireclay pipe or fitting the joint shall be made with a suitable brass socket or ferrule the junction of the lead pipe to the socket or ferrule being by means of an efficient wiped joint and the junction of the socket or ferrule with an iron pipe being by means of a caulked lead joint and the junction of the socket or ferrule with a stoneware pipe being by means of mortar.

9.   Requirements as to rainwater pipes, gutters and fittings


    (1)   Pipes used for rainwater pipes and gutters and fittings in connection therewith shall comply with the following requirements—


      (a)     the pipes and gutters shall be of adequate size to prevent any over-flowing or surcharging and shall not in any case be less than 2 square inches of effective cross sectional area of gutter per hundred square feet of roof drained;


      (b)     the gutters shall be securely fixed to the building at intervals not exceeding 3 feet and shall generally be laid at a gradient of 1 in 120 in the case of eaves gutters and 1 in 80 in the case of valley and parapet gutters. Gutters shall discharge into rainwater pipes so placed that not more than 30 feet of gutter enters the rainwater pipe from any one direction.


    (2)   Cast iron pipes, gutters and fittings shall be brought tightly up together and jointed with tarred spun yarn and red and white lead putty.


    (3)   Asbestos cement pipes, gutters and fittings shall be brought tightly up together and jointed with mortar or with approved bituminous compound.


    (4)   Pressed steel pipes gutters and fittings shall be either of the pressed type where a spigot enters a socket and socket and spigot are securely bolted together or the strapped type where 2 spigot ends bedded on red lead butt over a 4 inch long strap to which both spigots are bolted.


    (5)   Aluminium gutters shall be brought tightly together and jointed with red and white lead putty.

10.   Connection of Soil Pipes to Drain

The soil pipe shall be connected to the drain without a trap by means of a bend of the same material as the drain and such bend shall be surrounded with concrete 4 inches thick. An airtight access hatch shall be provided near the foot of the soil pipe in all cases where the soil pipe is situated at a distance greater than 10 feet from the manhole to which it first connects.

11.   Connection of Soil Fitments to Soil Pipes


    (1)   Soil fitments connected to the soil pipe shall have water seals 2 inches deep where the inlet has an internal diameter of not less than 3 inches and 3 inches deep where the inlet has an internal diameter less than 3 inches.


    (2)   The traps to water closet pans shall be ventilated where and in manner required by regulation 16(3).


    (3)   The connection shall not have any bend or angle except where unavoidable in which case the bend or angle shall be as obtuse as possible and shall not reduce the internal diameter of the pipe.


    (4)   The materials forming the connection shall conform to the requirements for materials forming soil pipes.

12.   Waste Pipes

A pipe used for a waste pipe shall comply with the following requirements—


    (a)     it shall discharge so as not to cause dampness in a wall or foundation or floor of a building;


    (b)     if it discharges to a drain otherwise than by a soil pipe it shall be disconnected from the drain by a gully trap;


    (c)     it shall be provided with a suitable trap at its junction with the waste water fitting;


    (d)     if it discharges into a soil pipe it shall be provided with a suitable trap adequately secured against destruction of the water seal. A trap having a water seal of not less than 3 inches and ventilated where and in manner required by regulation 16(3) shall be deemed to be adequately secured against the destruction of the water seal for the purpose of this Act.

13.   Gully Traps

Wherever practicable gully traps shall be located outside buildings and shall be fitted with an approved movable grating or cover and shall if located at ground level be protected against the ingress of surface water by a sufficient kerb. The outlet of the gully trap shall not be of less diameter than 4 inches.


14.   Manholes


    (1)   Manholes shall generally be provided at all points on a sewer, lateral drain or drain—


      (a)     where the size, direction or gradient of a sewer, lateral drain or drain undergoes a change;


      (b)     where a soil pipe or a waste water pipe connects to a drain or where a branch drain connects to a drain;


      (c)     where a rainwater pipe connects to a rainwater drain either directly or through a gully trap or where a branch rainwater drain connects unless the Sewerage Authority agree otherwise;


      (d)     and where the above-mentioned circumstances do not exist, at intervals not exceeding 300 feet from a manhole.


    (2)   The minimum internal dimensions of manhole chambers shall be as follows, except that for manholes less than 6 feet deep the Sewerage Authority may permit the use of smaller manholes at its discretion.

Rectangular Manhole

Depth to out-going invert.LengthWidthSoffite of Chamber roof. Height above benching.Circular manhole Diameter.Chamber
Up to 6ft.3ft.4 inches2ft. 3 inches2ft. 3 inches
6ft. to 15 ft.4ft. 6 inches2ft. 7½ inches4ft. 6 inches3 ft. 6 inches

The minimum internal dimensions of the access shaft, that is, that portion of the manhole which connects the roof of the manhole chamber to the surface of the ground, shall be 2' 3”.


    (3)   Foundation. The foundation of the manhole shall be of concrete of thickness as follows:

    Depth of outgoing invert.Minimum thickness of base slab
    Up to 6ft.      6 inches
    6 feet to 15 feet      9 inches
    over 15 feet      9 inches

    (4)   Walls. The walls of the manhole shall comply with the following requirements—


      (a)     the area of the base slab shall extend over the external dimensions of the manhole chamber. Projecting footings need only be provided if the projection is necessary to protect against uplift;


      (b)     the walls of the manhole may consist of—


        (i)     brickwork, or


        (ii)     in situ concrete not less than 9 inches thick, or


        (iii)     precast concrete or reinforced concrete, or


        (iv)     precast concrete pipes with in situ concrete surround;


      (c)     the bricks used shall comply with British Standard 1301 clay engineering bricks Class B or be of such other quality as the Sewerage Authority shall approve and they shall be solidly built in English bond. They shall be rendered inside with mortar. Where the manhole is constructed of precast concrete pipes it shall be surrounded with concrete up to a height of 6 inches above the top of the highest opening or joint in the pipe forming the manhole chamber provided always that such concrete may be omitted where sufficient benching is laid inside the manholes to make the bottom of the manhole and pipes entering thereabout perfectly watertight.


    (5)   The roof of the manhole chamber may be constructed—


      (a)     by means of a brick arch. The arch shall be constructed of not less than 2 rings of special radiused bricks set in mortar;


      (b)     by means of a concrete slab suitably reinforced to carry the weight of the access shaft, ground and traffic above. The slab shall not be less than 6 inches in thickness. Precast concrete sections may be used such as taper pipes connecting circular manhole chambers with circular access shafts. Taper pipes so used shall not be less than 2 feet in length.


    (6)   The access shaft—


      (a)     if rectangular, shall be corbelled inwards on 3 sides to reduce the size to that of the internal dimensions of the cover frame. All corbelled work shall be in whole bricks or blocks. The access shaft if circular shall be surmounted by a concrete slab 3 inches in thickness and the under surface of such slab shall, where it passes over the pipe forming the manhole shaft, be half an inch higher than the highest part of such pipe. The concrete slab shall be adequately supported around its perimeter with concrete or approved hard filling;


      (b)     shall be surmounted with an approved manhole cover and frame in accordance with British Standard 497 for manhole covers, road gully gratings and frames or in accordance with British Standard 556 for concrete cylindrical pipes and fittings including manholes, inspection chambers and street gullies and shall be properly bedded in mortar.


    (7)   Where the manhole exceeds 4 feet in depth step irons shall be built vertically down one of the walls immediately under the manhole cover. The step irons shall have a vertical spacing of one foot, shall be staggered horizontally one foot each side of a vertical centre line. Step irons shall be galvanised malleable cast iron in accordance with British Standard 1247 for manhole step irons or may be constructed of reinforced concrete with the approval of the Sewerage Authority. All step irons shall be rigidly built into the side of a manhole.


    (8)   The floor of the manhole shall consist of suitable purpose made channels or concrete channels formed in situ with a perfectly smooth face and connecting the various pipes entering the manhole to the channel with easy bends discharging into the main channel in the direction of the flow. The manhole of the channel shall be brought up in concrete vertically to the height of the crown of the outgoing pipe and shall be benched at a slope of one in 3 to the walls of the manhole provided always that where a pipe enters through such wall the concrete shall be brought up to the level of the mid point of such pipe and channels as aforesaid shall be formed in the concrete to convey the discharge from the entering pipe into the main channel where practicable in such manner that the invert of the branch channel is at the same level as the crown of the outgoing pipe.


15.   Septic Tanks

A septic tank shall comply with the following requirements—


    (a)     except with the approval of the Sewerage Authority it shall be not less than 50 feet from any piped water supply, well, spring or stream of water used or likely to be used by man for drinking or domestic purposes or for the manufacture or preparation of articles of food or drink for human consumption or for the cleansing of vessels with a view to the preparation or sale of such articles and otherwise in such a position as not to render any such water liable to pollution, or less than 10 feet from any dwelling house or public building or any building in which any person is employed in any manufacture trade or business;


    (b)     it shall be so constructed and situated that there shall be ready means of access for cleaning it and removing its contents without carrying them through any dwelling house or public building or any building in which any person is employed in any manufacture trade or business;


    (c)     the effluent from every septic tank shall discharge through a drain not less than 6 feet in length into a properly effluent, constructed effluent disposal system which shall be not less than 50 feet from any piped water supply, well, spring or stream of water as described in paragraph (a) above;


    (d)     it shall be of approved design so constructed as to be impervious to liquid either from the outside or the inside and if constructed of brickwork or precast concrete sections shall be rendered inside with mortar and it shall be covered and ventilated or provided with an adequate mechanical means for draining off gases to the satisfaction of the Sewerage Authority.


16.   Water closets


    (1)   The pan shall be of non-absorbent material so constructed as to receive and contain sufficient water and to allow any filth to fall free of the sides directly into the water.


    (2)   The flushing apparatus shall be such as to secure the prompt and effectual flushing and cleansing of the pan. It shall be supplied with an adequate supply of water and shall not be automatic in operation.


    (3)   The pan shall be provided with a sufficient trap which shall not be a “D” trap or Masons Dipstone. Where the contents of the pan discharge into a soil pipe which also receives the discharge from another pan or waste fitting or other soil fitting the trap of the pan shall be ventilated by an anti-syphonage pipe having an internal diameter not less than 2 inches and be connected with the arm of the soil pipe at a point not less than 3 and not more than 12 inches from the highest part of the trap on that side of the water seal which is nearer to the soil pipe and shall have an open end as high as the top of the soil pipe or shall be carried into the soil pipe at a point not less than 3 feet above the highest connection to the soil pipe.


    (4)   The water closet—


      (a)     shall be entered either directly from the external air, or from a ventilated lobby or directly from a room used solely for sleeping;


      (b)     shall have at least one external wall, or a roof, and shall have a window of an area of 2 square feet exclusive of the frame and in addition a permanently open ventilation of at least 50 square inches;


      (c)     shall have openings for light and ventilation which shall be placed at as high a level as practicable on the external wall, or in the roof, and shall communicate directly with the external air.


    (5)   Where the pan is to be fixed—


      (a)     above floor level the whole of the pan and the trap thereto shall be fixed entirely above the level of the floor of the water closet and shall not be cased round or enclosed in any manner;


      (b)     below floor level it shall be supported on a sub-floor in such a manner that the upper face of the squatting slab shall be at the level of the floor of the water closet and the pan and the trap thereto shall be encased in concrete at least 3 inches thick.


17.   Urinals


    (1)   The urinal shall be provided with a basin stall, trough or other suitable receptacle or receptacles of non-absorbent material and the outlet therefrom shall be provided with a sufficient grating.


    (2)   Where a water supply is available the urinal shall be provided with suitable apparatus for the effectual flushing and cleansing of the receptacles provided but no part of the urinal apparatus shall be directly connected with a water distributing pipe.


    (3)   If the urinal can be entered from within the building and is constructed so as to discharge into a soil pipe which also receives the discharge from another urinal or from a water closet, bath, sink, lavatory, basin or the like the urinal shall be provided with a sufficient trap and the trap of the urinal shall be ventilated by an anti-syphonage pipe having an internal diameter of not less than that of the trap or 2 inches whichever is the less and be connected with the waste pipe from the urinal at a point not less than 3 and not more than 12 inches from the highest part of the trap on that side of the water seal which is nearer to the soil pipe and shall have an open end as high as the top of the soil pipe or shall be carried into the soil pipe at a point not less than 3 feet above the highest connection to the soil pipe.


18.   Pail Closets


    (1)   Every person who constructs a pail closet—


      (a)     shall construct the apartment of the same dimensions as if it were a water closet, and at a minimum distance from any portion of a habitable building of 10 feet and 40 feet from any well spring or stream of water used or likely to be used by man for drinking or domestic purposes or for the manufacture or for the preparation of articles of food or drink for human consumption or for the cleansing of vessels with a view to the preparation for sale of such articles and otherwise in such a position as not to render any such water liable to pollution;


      (b)     shall construct the walls of brick or concrete rendered internally with mortar or of other materials approved by the Sewerage Authority;


      (c)     shall provide it with a sufficient opening for lighting and ventilation as near the top as practicable and communicating directly with the external air;


      (d)     shall construct the floor of concrete or other impervious non-absorbent material approved by the Sewerage Authority;


      (e)     shall construct the seat, the aperture in such seat and the space beneath such seat of such dimensions as to admit of a movable receptacle for filth being placed and fitted beneath such seat in such a manner and in such a position as effectually to prevent the deposit upon the floor or sides of the space beneath such seat or elsewhere than in such receptacle of any filth which may from time to time fall or be cast through the aperture in such seat and for this purpose every such receptacle shall be located in the correct position by suitable stops. The seat shall rest upon brackets or piers formed of non-absorbent material and so constructed that a sufficient part may be lifted in a vertical position as to afford adequate access to the space beneath the seat for the purpose of cleansing such space or of removing therefrom or placing and fitting therein the appropriate receptacle for filth or shall otherwise provide adequate means of access to such space for the purposes aforesaid. The space beneath the seat shall be adequately protected against the ingress of flies or mosquitoes.


    (2)   The receptacle shall be of a non-absorbent material so constructed that its contents shall not escape.


19.   Earth Closets

An earth closet shall comply with the following requirements—


    (a)     its only direct entrance shall be from the external air;


    (b)     it shall not be less than 10 feet from any part of any dwelling house and 40 feet from any well, spring or stream of water used or likely to be used by man for drinking or domestic purposes or for the manufacture or for the preparation of articles of food or drink for human consumption or for the cleansing of vessels with a view to the preparation for sale of such articles and otherwise in such a position as not to render any such water liable to pollution;


    (c)     it shall be provided with a sufficient opening for lighting and ventilation as near the top as practicable and communicating directly with the external air;


    (d)     the floor shall be of non-absorbent material which shall in every part including the part beneath the seat, be not less than 3 inches above the surface of the adjoining ground and have a fall or inclination towards the entrance door of not less than one-half of an inch to the foot;


    (e)     the receptacle shall be—


      (i)     of a capacity not exceeding 2 cubic feet or such less capacity as may be sufficient to contain all faecal matter, earth or other material which may accumulate therein during a period of not more than one week,


      (ii)     of non-absorbent material so constructed and placed that its contents shall not escape by leakage or otherwise or be exposed to rainfall or to drainage of any waste water or liquid refuse and no part of the receptacle shall communicate with any drain.


    (f)     it shall be provided with a suitable vessel of adequate capacity for dry earth or other suitable deodorising material so constructed and placed as to admit of ready access for depositing therein the necessary supply of the earth or other material and it shall be provided with sufficient means for applying the earth or other material to the faecal matter in the receptacle;


    (g)     the containing walls of the space beneath the seat except such opening as may be necessary for affording access to the space shall be impervious to moisture;


    (h)     the seat, the aperture in the seat, and the space beneath the seat, shall be of such dimensions that the receptacle can be so placed and fitted beneath the seat as to prevent the deposit of faecal matter elsewhere than in the receptacle. The space beneath the seat shall be adequately protected against the ingress of flies or mosquitoes;


    (i)     adequate access for cleansing the space beneath the seat and for removing therefrom or placing and fitting therein the receptacle shall be provided by means of the adjustment of or removal of the seat or by some other suitable means.


20.   Curtilage to be Kept Free From Static Water

Static water shall not be permitted other than in specially constructed water tanks and where the impermeability of the curtilage renders such a precaution necessary the surface shall be graded, levelled or otherwise altered to permit of the effective discharge of surface water to gully traps or impervious watercourse or to soakaways.

21.   Roof to be effectually drained


    (1)   The roof of a building (whether flat or pitched) shall be so constructed as to drain effectually to—


      (a)     a sufficient system of rainwater pipes and gutters connected with a suitable number of pipes discharging into gully traps or to a water tank; or


      (b)     an impervious watercourse.


    (2)   A sufficient system of rainwater pipes and gutters shall consist of—


      (a)     eaves gutters downpipes and fittings formed of pressed steel or conforming to British Standard 1091 for pressed steel gutters pipes fittings and accessories;


      (b)     eaves gutters downpipes and fittings of asbestos cement conforming to British Standard 569 for asbestos cement spigot and socket rainwater pipes, gutters and fittings;


      (c)     eaves gutters downpipes and fittings formed of cast iron conforming to British Standard 460 for cast iron spigot and socket rainwater pipes fittings and accessories;


      (d)     eaves gutters downpipes and fittings formed of aluminium conforming to British Standard 1430 for aluminium rainwater goods cast and extruded;


      (e)     eaves gutters downpipes and fittings formed of copper or zinc conforming to British Standard 1431 for wrought copper and wrought zinc rainwater goods; or


      (f)     eaves gutters downpipes and fittings formed of other material as approved by the Sewerage Authority.


    (3)   Rainwater pipes shall be of adequate size to prevent surcharging and overflowing and shall not project beyond the limits of the curtilage of the building except by agreement with the parties concerned and in any case the rainwater downpipes shall not project over a public footway at any point which is less than 10 feet from the ground. Pipes shall be securely fixed to the wall of the building and shall terminate either below the cover of a water tank or over a gully trap or impervious watercourse by means of a shoe.


    (4)   All eaves gutters shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 3 feet by suitable brackets and shall be properly aligned so as to provide continuous and even fall to the point of discharge in such a manner that no part of such eaves gutters shall be more than 30 feet of eaves gutters from a point of discharge save that with the approval of the Sewerage Authority such distance may be exceeded when the rainwater downpipes are connected to storage tanks. The eaves gutters shall be of adequate size to prevent surcharging and overflowing and shall be provided with proper stopped ends and shall discharge by proper outlet nozzles to rainwater pipes.


22.   Water Tanks

A tank constructed or fitted in connection with a building and intended to be used for the storage of rainwater shall comply with the following requirements—


    (a)     it shall be provided with an overflow pipe so placed and so fitted as not to allow animals to enter through it and capable of discharging to a drain or watercourse;


    (b)     the tank shall be provided with a solid and close fitting cover so constructed and fitted as to exclude all polluting matter mosquitoes and the like and if such cover is fixed it shall have a manhole fitted with a proper iron cover and of sufficient size to allow the tank to be entered and cleaned and it shall be provided with a sufficient ventilator the open end of which shall be fitted with a cover of copper gauze;


    (c)     the tank shall be constructed or lined with an impervious material and shall be watertight and of sufficient strength to resist all internal and external forces likely to be applied to the tank.


23.   Mineral Sulphates

Where the Sewerage Authority is satisfied that any concrete or mortar used on drainage works is liable to encounter any water containing calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate or sodium sulphate equivalent in concentration to 100 parts or more of sulphur tri-oxide per 100,000 or to encounter a clay containing 1/5 or more of 1%, of its dry state of such sulphates then the Sewerage Authority may require the use of high alumina cement in all cases where cement is employed on such drainage works.