Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

4.   Appointment of Sewerage Authority


    (1)   Subject to the provisions of section 5 the Governor General may appoint a Sewerage Authority for any sewerage area, and until such appointment Authority be made for any area, the Chief Engineer shall be the Sewerage Authority for that area.


    (2)   Despite the provisions of any other law, all public sewers within a sewerage area shall be vested in the Sanitary Authority upon the declaration of such area, unless or until some other person or authority is appointed the Sewerage Authority for the said area, when they shall thereupon vest in such Sewerage Authority.


    (3)   The powers and duties of a Sewerage Authority under this Act may be exercised and performed by the officers and servants of the Sewerage Authority or any person or persons or body of persons generally or specially authorised by the Sewerage Authority, to the extent of any such general or special authority.