Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

11.   Appeals


    (1)   Any person served with a notice under section 9 may appeal against such a notice to a magistrate exercising jurisdiction in the place where the works are or are proposed to be situated. A further appeal shall within 7 days be from a magistrate's decision to the High Court whose decision shall be final.


    (2)   The time within which the first appeal may be brought shall be 21 days from the date on which the notice requiring the works to be executed was served upon the person desiring to appeal.


    (3)   The grounds of appeal may include any of the following—


      (a)     that the notice or requirement contains some defect or error or is not justified by the terms of the law under which it purports to have been made;


      (b)     that the work required by the notice to be executed is unreasonable in character or extent regard being had to the value of the premises;


      (c)     that the time within which the works are to be executed is not sufficient for the purpose;


      (d)     that the person upon whom the notice has been served is unable to pay the cost of the requirements of the said notice and is unlikely in the future to have the ability to pay;


      (e)     that in all the circumstances relating to the person upon whom the notice has been served it is not reasonable that the requirements of the notice should be performed;


      (f)     that a person upon whom the notice should have been served in respect of a portion of the work has not been served and accordingly the appellant has been charged with the performance of more work than is equitable.