(1) Victims of trafficking abroad who claim to be citizens or persons holding permanent residency in Saint Lucia, but whose identity cannot be verified through ordinary means, can establish the right to return to Saint Lucia by demonstrating significant connections to their country through such factors as—
(a) place of birth;
(b) presence of family members;
(c) presence of friends;
(d) significant knowledge of specific geographical areas and neighbourhoods;
(e) long-term residence in Saint Lucia; or
(f) any other means.
(2) The list of factors in subsection (1) is not exhaustive, and not every factor is required to make the determination.
(3) Determinations under this section are to be made with due concern for compassion and justice to victims.
(4) The fact that the victim would not be eligible for citizenship based on the showing made under this section is not a bar to re-entry.
(5) Diplomatic missions abroad shall assign a specific diplomat to make determinations under this section.
(6) Victims may appeal an adverse determination to the Minister responsible for legal affairs.
(7) Where the Minister responsible for legal affairs determines an individual is eligible to re-enter Saint Lucia under this section, the diplomatic mission abroad shall issue a certificate of identity, permitting re-entry.