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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Arbitration agreement irrevocable having effect as order of Court
4. Provisions implied in arbitration agreements
5. Arbitration agreement not to be discharged by death of party thereto
6. Provisions in case of bankruptcy
7. Power to stay proceedings where there is an arbitration agreement
8. Power of Court to appoint an arbitrator OR umpire
9. Provisions on the appointment of 2 arbitrators
10. Provisions on the appointment of 3 arbitrators
11. Arbitrators and umpires to use due dispatch
12. Power of court where arbitrator is not impartial or dispute involves fraud
13. Where arbitrator is removed or appointment of arbitrator is revoked
14. When umpire is the sole arbitrator
15. Powers of arbitrator
16. Witnesses may be summoned by Subpoena
17. Enlargement of time for making award
18. Power to remit award for reconsideration
19. Power to set aside award
20. Enforcing award
21. Interest on awards
22. Provision as to costs
23. Limitation of time for commencing arbitration proceedings
24. Reference for enquiry and report
25. Reference for trial
26. Powers and remuneration of referees and arbitrators
27. Court to have powers as in references by consent
28. Powers of Court of Appeal on appeal
29. Power to compel attendance of witness
30. Additional powers of Court
31. Statement of case by arbitrator or umpire
32. Costs
33. Taxation of arbitrator's or umpire's fees
34. Crown to be bound
35. Application of ACT to references under statutory powers
36. Forms
37. Power for Supreme Court to make rules
38. Application of this Act to arbitration under certain contracts
39. Saving or pending arbitrations
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3