(1) If any part of the cargo of a vessel is thrown overboard or is stoved or destroyed to prevent seizure—
(a) while the vessel is within the territorial sea; or
(b) where the vessel, having been properly summoned to bring to by any vessel in the service of the Government, fails so to do and chase is given, at any time during the chase,
the vessel is liable to forfeiture.
(2) If, save for just and sufficient cause, any vessel which is liable to forfeiture or examination under or by virtue of any provision of this Act does not bring to when summoned to do so the master of the vessel commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(3) Where any vessel liable to forfeiture or examination as aforesaid fails to bring to when summoned to do so and chase is given thereto by any vessel in the service of the Government, and after the commander of that vessel has caused a gun to be fired as a signal, the vessel still fails to bring to, the vessel may be fired upon.
(4) For the purpose of this section a vessel is considered to have been properly summoned to bring to—
(a) if the vessel making the summons did so by means of an international signal code or 2 shots are fired in the air or any other recognised means and while flying her proper ensign; and
(b) if at the time the summons was made the vessel was within the territorial sea.