(1) Imported goods which are on importation entered for warehousing shall be deemed to be duly warehoused as from the time when the proper officer certifies that the entry and warehousing of those goods are complete.
(2) Before any other goods are warehoused, the proprietor of the goods shall deliver to the proper officer an entry thereof in such form and manner and containing such particulars as the Comptroller may direct.
(3) Any goods brought to a warehouse for re-warehousing after removal for that purpose from another warehouse shall be dealt with in like manner as if they were goods being warehoused for the first time, except that the subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply.
(4) Save as permitted by or under this Act, goods shall be warehoused in the containers or lots in which they were first entered for warehousing.
(5) The proprietor of any warehoused goods shall mark the containers or lots thereof in such manner as the proper officer may direct and shall, subject to any further such direction, keep them so marked while they are warehoused, and if any person fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection he or she commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(6) Where without the authority of the proper officer and save as permitted by or under this Act—
(a) any goods are warehoused in containers or lots other than those in which they were entered for warehousing; or
(b) any alteration is made in any goods in warehouse, or in the packing or marking of the containers or lots of any such goods, after the goods have been duly warehoused,
those goods are liable to forfeiture.