Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

130.   Detention, seizure and condemnation of goods


    (1)   Anything which is liable to forfeiture is seized or detained by any officer or police officer.


    (2)   Where anything which is liable to forfeiture is seized or detained by a police officer, that thing shall be delivered to the Comptroller within 7 days unless—


      (a)     such delivery is not practicable; or


      (b)     that thing is or may be required for use in connection with any proceedings to be brought otherwise than under a customs enactment.


    (3)   Where, by virtue of subsection (2), anything seized or detained by a police officer is not delivered up to the Comptroller within 7 days, notice in writing of the seizure or detention, containing full details of the thing seized or detained, shall be given to the Comptroller, and any officer shall be permitted to examine and take account of that thing at any time while it remains in the custody of the police.


    (4)   Schedule 4 has effect in relation to appeals against the seizure of anything seized as liable to forfeiture under any customs enactment, and for proceedings for the condemnation as forfeited of that thing.


    (5)   Although something seized as liable to forfeiture has not been condemned as forfeited, or considered to have been condemned as forfeited, the Comptroller may at any time if he or she sees fit—


      (a)     deliver it up to any claimant upon the claimant paying to the Comptroller such sum as the Comptroller thinks proper, being a sum not exceeding that which in the Comptroller's opinion represents the value of the thing, including any duty chargeable thereon which has not been paid; or


      (b)     if the thing seized is a living creature or is in the Comptroller's opinion of a perishable nature, sell or destroy it.


    (6)   The restoration, sale or destruction under subsection (5) of anything seized as liable to forfeiture is without prejudice to any right of appeal against its seizure.