Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

18.   Agents


    (1)   The master of any vessel or the commander of any aircraft may appoint as his or her agent any person duly authorised to perform any act required by any customs enactment to be performed by a master or a commander, and, if he or she does so, he or she shall notify the Comptroller of the name and address of that person and if the Comptroller is satisfied that the person appointed is a fit and proper person to be such an agent, the Comptroller may, subject to such terms and conditions as he or she sees fit to impose accept that person as the agent of that vessel or aircraft; However, if no such agent is appointed, the owner of the vessel or aircraft, if resident or represented in the country, is considered to be the agent of the master or commander for all purpose of any assigned matter.


    (2)   If any agent appointed under subsection (1) wilfully or persistently neglects or refuses to comply with any requirement imposed by any customs enactment on a master of a vessel or a commander of an aircraft, the Comptroller may, by notice in writing, advise any master of that vessel or any commander of that aircraft that he or she no longer accepts the person appointed as the agent of that vessel or that aircraft, and that person shall upon such notification then cease to be the agent of the master of that vessel or the commander of that aircraft.


    (3)   Where any person other than the master of a vessel or the commander of an aircraft is required by any customs enactment to perform any act or duty, he or she may appoint as his or her agent any other person to perform that act or duty.


    (4)   Before accepting any request by an agent to act on behalf of a person in relation to an assigned matter, an officer may require that agent to produce to him or her written authority from the person whose agent he or she is, certifying that he or she is so authorised to act.


    (5)   The Comptroller may if he or she sees fit require any person appointed to act as an agent under subsection (1) to give security by bond or otherwise in such form and manner as the Comptroller may direct and such bond—


      (a)     shall be taken on behalf of the Government of Saint Lucia;


      (b)     shall be valid although it is entered into by a person under full age; and


      (c)     may be cancelled at any time by or by the order of the Comptroller.