Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

94.   Power to search premises


    (1)   Where an officer has reasonable grounds to believe that anything which is liable to forfeiture by virtue of any customs enactment is kept at or concealed in any building or other place or any offence has been committed under or by virtue of any customs enactment he or she may after being authorised by the Comptroller in writing so to do—


      (a)     enter any building or place at any time, and search for, seize, detain or remove anything which appears to him or her may be liable to forfeiture; and


      (b)     so far as is reasonably necessary for the purpose of such entry, search, detention or removal, break open any door, window or container and force and remove any other impediment or obstruction; and


      (c)     search for and remove any invoice, bill of lading or any other document or book relating to any assigned matter.


    (2)   Without prejudice to the power conferred by subsection (1) or to any other power conferred by this Act, if a magistrate is satisfied by information upon oath given by an officer that there are reasonable grounds to suspect as aforesaid, he or she may by warrant under his or her hand given on any day authorise that officer or any other person named in the warrant to enter and search any building or place so named.


    (3)   Where in the case of any entry, search, seizure, detention or removal, damage to property is caused and no goods which are liable to forfeiture are found, the owner of the building, place or goods damaged shall be entitled to recover from the Comptroller the costs of making good that damage to the property.