Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

124.   Incidental provisions


    (1)   Where liability for an offence under any customs enactment is incurred by 2 or more persons jointly, those persons shall each be liable for the full amount of any fine and may be proceeded against either jointly or severally as the Comptroller may think fit.


    (2)   Where an offence under a customs enactment, which has been committed by a body corporate, is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of that body corporate, or any person purporting to act in such capacity, he or she as well as the body corporate commit the offence and are liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.


    (3)   Where a penalty for an offence under a customs enactment is required to be fixed by reference to the value of any goods, that value shall be taken as the price those goods might reasonably be expected to have fetched, after payment of any duty chargeable on them, if they had been sold in the open market at or about the date of the commission of the offence for which the penalty is imposed.


    (4)   Where, in any proceedings for an offence under a customs enactment, any question arises as to the duty or rate chargeable on any imported or exported goods, or goods which were intended to be exported, and it is not possible to ascertain the relevant time specified in section 65 the duty or rate shall be determined as if the goods had been imported, exported or brought to a place for exportation at the time when the proceedings were commenced.


    (5)   In any proceedings for an offence under a customs enactment, or for condemnation under Schedule 4, the fact that security has been given for payment of any duty or compliance with any condition in respect of the non-payment of which or non-compliance with which the proceedings are instituted, shall not be a defence.