(1) After the birth of such child, on the appearance of the person so summoned, or on proof that the summons was duly served on such person or left at his last place of abode 7 days or more before the hearing, the magistrate of the district in which the summons was issued shall hear the evidence of such woman and such other evidence as she may produce and shall also hear any evidence tendered by or on behalf of the person alleged to be the father, and, if the evidence of the mother be corroborated in some material particular by other evidence to the satisfaction of the magistrate, he or she may adjudge the person summoned to be the putative father of the child, and the magistrate may also, if he or she sees fit, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, proceed to make an order on the putative father for the payment to the mother of the child or to any person who may be appointed to have the custody of the child under the provisions of this Act of such a sum of money weekly not exceeding $25Editor's note: See Affiliation (Maintenance) Order later in this Chapter. a week, as he or she may consider reasonable for the maintenance and education of the child, and of the expenses incidental to the birth of the child, and of the funeral expenses of the child if it has died before the making of such order, and of such costs as may have been incurred in obtaining such order; and if the application be made before the birth of the child or within 2 months after the birth of the child such weekly sum may, if the magistrate thinks fit, be calculated from the birth of the child.