(1) There is established a committee to be known as the National Coordinating Committee on Counter–Proliferation Financing.
(2) The National Committee consists of seven members appointed by Cabinet and being representatives from the —
(a) Ministry responsible for external affairs;
(b) Ministry responsible for justice;
(c) Attorney General's Chambers;
(d) Customs and Excise Department;
(e) Financial Intelligence Authority;
(f) Financial Services Regulatory Authority;
(g) Royal Saint Lucia Police Force.
(3) The National Committee shall elect a Chairperson, Deputy- Chairperson and a Secretary from among its members.
(4) The Chairperson shall —
(a) supervise and direct the work of the National Committee and preside over its meetings; and
(b) sign all decisions of the National Committee.
(5) The Deputy-Chairperson shall act if the Chairperson is absent, incapacitated or unable to perform his or her duties.
(6) The Secretary shall —
(a) attend all meetings of the National Committee and cause the minutes of those meetings to be recorded;
(b) keep a minute book or any other books;
(c) sign all correspondence of the National Committee, excluding decisions of the National Committee; and
(d) perform any other duty assigned by the National Committee.