Schedule 3
(Section 27(2))
1. Pursuant to section 27(2), the following activities are prohibited with respect to Iran, namely —
(a) the selling, exporting, supplying, transferring or shipping, directly or indirectly, to Iran or for the use or benefit of Iran —
(i) nuclear-related items, or
(ii) resources that may contribute to reprocessing, enrichment or heavy water activities;
(b) the transferring of funds or other financial resources or providing to Iran, technical assistance, investment, brokering or other services related to the sale, supply, transfer, manufacture, use or maintenance of —
(i) nuclear-related items, or
(ii) resources that may contribute to reprocessing, enrichment or heavy water activities;
(c) the acquisition of an interest in uranium mining or production or the use of nuclear material or technology, by Iran;
(d) the selling, supplying, transferring or shipping, directly or indirectly, to Iran or for the use or benefit of Iran —
(i) missile-related items; or
(ii) resources that may contribute to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;
(e) the —
(i) provision of technology, technical assistance or training,
(ii) transfer of financial resources to Iran, or
(iii) facilitation of Iran's acquisition of an interest in any commercial activity in another state,
related to the sale, supply, transfer, manufacture, use or maintenance of missile-related items or resources that may contribute to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;
(f) the selling, supplying, transferring or shipping, directly or indirectly, to Iran or for the use or benefit of Iran —
(i) battle tanks,
(ii) armoured combat vehicles,
(iii) large calibre artillery systems,
(iv) combat aircraft, attack helicopters,
(v) warships, or
(vi) missiles or missile systems or related material, including spare parts;
(g) the provision of technical training, financial resources, services or assistance, directly or indirectly, to Iran or for the use or benefit of Iran related to the sale, supply, transfer, manufacture, use or maintenance of —
(i) battle tanks,
(ii) armoured combat vehicles,
(iii) large calibre artillery systems,
(iv) combat aircraft, attack helicopters,
(v) warships, or
(vi) missiles or missile systems or related material, including spare parts;
(h) the selling, supplying, transferring or shipping, directly or indirectly, from Iran, arms and ammunition or related material.