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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
29. Duration of permit
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
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29. Duration of permit
A permit is valid for a period of twelve months.
29. Duration of permit
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Establishment of National Co-ordinating Committee on Counter- Proliferation Financing
4. Functions of the National Committee
5. Tenure
6. Revocation
7. Resignation
8. Vacancies
9. Alternate member
10. Meetings
11. Travel and other expenses
12. Validity of act
13. Immunity of members
14. Proposal of names to United Nations Security Council Committee
15. Attorney General to make application for freezing order
16. Review of freezing order
17. Variation of freezing order
18. Application for review of freezing order by a listed entity
19. Application for review of freezing order by an affected person
20. Requirement to freeze funds
21. Reporting requirements
22. Requirement to notify police officer
23. Freezing funds in urgent cases
24. Dealing with property owned or controlled by a listed entity
25. Making property available to a listed entity
26. Provision of property to a listed entity
27. Restriction on trade, commerce and financial TRANSACTIONS
28. Permit: procedure
30. Renewal of permit
31. Transfer of permit
32. Production of permit for inspection
33. Suspension or revocation of permit
34. Power to inspect cargo
35. Power to deny entry of a vessel for refusal to permit inspection
36. Power to deny access to aircraft
37. Restriction on entry into a port of a vessel owned by a listed entity
38. Seizure or forfeiture of vessel, aircraft, conveyance or other item
39. Jurisdiction of court to try offences
40. De-listing and non-application of this Act
41. Amendment of Schedules
42. Regulations
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4