Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

59A.   Deduction for hobby farming


    (1)   Subject to this section, a resident individual who qualifies, shall be entitled irrespective of the nature of his or her income, to a hobby farming deduction as specified in Schedule 9 for an income year.


    (2)   A resident individual shall —


      (a)     provide satisfactory evidence to the Minister responsible for agriculture to prove that he or she is engaged in hobby farming; and


      (b)     obtain a certificate of registration from the Minister responsible for agriculture under the hobby farmers tax relief incentive programme.


    (3)   A hobby farming deduction shall —


      (a)     be up to a maximum of $5000 per household, based on the conditions set by the Minister responsible for agriculture;


      (b)     be allowed to one claimant per household; and


      (c)     be allowed for an income year, commencing on the 1st day of January, 2013.


    (4)   For the purposes of this section —

     “hobby farming” means small-scale or part-time farming on land comprising less than one acre, undertaken by a property owner or a person who is not the property owner but has obtained the permission of a property owner by an agreement or lease, who resides on that property and engages in the cultivation of agricultural produce, including floriculture, aquaculture and the rearing of livestock; and

     “household” means a house and its occupants regarded as a unit.


    (Inserted by Act 3 of 2014)