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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short title and application
2. Interpretation
3. Comptroller of Inland Revenue
4. Delegation by Comptroller
5. Indemnity against liability for acts done
6. Secrecy
7. Charge to tax: general
8. Scope of charge to tax
9. Income accrued: meaning of
10. Income deemed to have accrued from sources in Saint Lucia
11. Basis of assessment
12. Persons chargeable: general
13. Married women
14. Minor children: dispositions to
15. Settlements and wills
16. Revocable dispositions
17. Deceased persons
18. Estates of deceased persons
19. Incapacitated persons
20. Insolvent persons
21. Partnerships
22. Non-resident persons
23. Transactions involving liability to tax
24. Responsibility of representative taxpayers
25. Exemptions
26. Exemption: hotels
27. Exemption: income from residential accommodation
28. Exemption: interest from housing mortgages
29. Exemption: interest paid on approved borrowings by mortgage companies
30. Comptroller may require Company to keep special account
31. Exemption: approved enterprises for fiscal incentive relief
32. Assessable income: general
33. Business income
34. Employment income
35. Loans or advances by a controlled company to a shareholder, director or higher paid employee
36. Rental income
37. Deductions allowable : general
38. Deductions allowable : specific
39. Restrictions on deductions: management charges and certain payments by controlled companies to shareholder
40. Capital allowance
41. Deduction for losses
41A. Interpretation in respect of sections 41B to 41J
41B. Determination of subsidiary company
41C. Claim for group relief
41D. Companies joining group
41E. Relief obtainable once for the same amount
41F. Aggregate of claim
41G. Capital Allowances
41H. Tax recovery
41I. Exempt companies
41J. Profits and losses and distribution or charge on income vis-a-vis group relief
41K. Exemption from stamp duty
42. Deductions not allowable under more than one provision
43. Expenditure for which no deduction allowable
44. Concessional deductions: general
45. Personal allowance to individuals
46. Allowance for spouse
47. Deduction for maintenance or alimony
48. Deduction for maintenance of children
49. Deduction for education of certain children
50. Deduction for higher education
51. Allowance for housekeeper
52. Allowance for dependent relative
53. Deduction for contributions to life assurance, or other retirement benefits
54. Deduction for mortgage interest, rates and insurance on owner occupied property
55. Deduction for gifts for certain approved purposes
56. Deduction for medical expenses
57. Deductions for payments to co-operative or building society
58. Deduction for interest on student loan
59. Deductions for purchase of new shares in a Resident Public Company
59A. Deduction for hobby farming
59B. Deduction for community road rehabilitation works project
60. International agreement for the avoidance of double taxation
61. General insurance companies and associations of underwriters
62. Life assurance companies
63. Approved pension funds
64. Deductions dependent on place where fund established
65. Interpretation of this Part
66. Applications for registration
67. Conditions subject to which registration may be granted
68. Permitted provisions in annuity contracts
69. Registration
70. Change in annuity contracts
71. Withdrawal of registration
72. Comptroller to be notified of payments under annuity contract and to be provided with returns
73. Allowable deductions
74. Deductions for payments to a RHOS plan
75. Tax Credit in respect of Foreign Currency from Income Year 2001 onwards
76. Deduction of tax from payments made to non-resident
77. Deduction of tax by employers
78. Deduction of tax from payments to contractors
79. Indemnification for tax paid to Comptroller
80. Rates of tax
81. Credit for tax deducted or paid
82. Credit for tax paid outside Saint Lucia
83. Calculation of tax credit for foreign tax
84. Returns of income: general
85. Returns of income: cessation of income during any year of income
86. Returns of income: where no return furnished
87. Further return or information, production of books and giving of evidence to Comptroller
88. Examination of business records
89. Powers of entry
90. Maintenance of proper records of transactions, methods of accounting and preservation of books of account and records
91. Submission of accounts with return of income and certificate relating to preparation of accounts
92. Principal officer of company
93. Precedent partner of partnership
94. Returns deemed to be furnished by due authority and in full knowledge of contents
95. Returns: method of furnishing
96. Returns: extensions of time for furnishing
97. Assessments
98. Additional assessment
99. Transactions designed to avoid liability to tax
100. Reduced assessments
101. Determination of assessed loss
102. Time limits for assessments
103. Notice of assessment
104. Record of assessment
105. Finality of assessment
106. Objection to assessment
107. Decision by Comptroller on objection
108. Appeal Commissioners
109. Appeal from decision by Comptroller
110. Hearing by Appeal Commissioner
111. Right of further appeal
112. Payment of tax suspended by objection or appeal
113. Advance payment of tax
114. When tax is due and payable
115. Interest on unpaid tax
116. When tax deducted from remuneration, payments to contractors or payments to non-residents is due and payable
117. Interest on unpaid tax deductions
118. Recovery of tax by court action
119. Recovery of tax by distraint
120. Obstruction of officers
121. Recovery of tax as privileged debt by registration as judgement debt
122. Recovery of moneys from persons leaving Saint Lucia
123. Recovery of tax from assets of certain dispositions
124. Recovery of tax from representative taxpayer
125. Right of representative tax payer to indemnity
126. Personal liability of representative taxpayers
127. Recovery of tax from persons holding money for another person
128. Priority of tax debt upon bankruptcy or liquidation
129. Refund of tax overpaid
130. Remission of tax
131. Penalties: general
132. Penalties: failure to furnish return of income
133. Penalties: failure to furnish correct return of income
134. Penalties: failure to pay tax by due date
135. Penalties: failure to deduct tax or account for tax deducted
136. Penalties: failure to comply with notice to give information, produce documents or give evidence to Comptroller
137. Notice of intention to impose penalty to be given
138. Sanction for prosecution
139. Offences: breach of secrecy
140. Offences: failure to comply with requirements of the Act
141. Offences: intent to evade liability to tax
142. Offences: deduction of withholding tax and tax from payments to contractors
143. Offences: by employers or employees
144. Offences: evasion of tax in relation to deduction of tax by employer
145. Aiding or abetting an offence
146. Mitigation of penalties and compounding of offences
147. Time limits for proceedings to be taken
148. Forms of notices and returns
149. Service of notices or documents
150. Change of address for service of notice
151. Regulations
152. Amendment of Schedules and rates specified in the Act
153. Saving
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Schedule 5
Schedule 6
Schedule 7
Schedule 8
Schedule 9
10. Income deemed to have accrued from sources whether in or outside Saint Lucia
10A. Income deemed to have accrued from a source outside Saint Lucia
75A. Employee retention tax credit
75C. Application for an employee retention tax credit
75D. Application period for an employee retention tax credit
75E. Approval of an application for an employee retention tax credit
75F. Refusal of an application for an employee retention tax credit
75B. Eligibility for employee retention tax credit