Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

119.   Recovery of tax by distraint


    (1)   If upon demand made by the Comptroller a person neglects or refuses to pay any tax or any portion of it that is payable, the Comptroller by warrant under his or her hand, in the form given in Schedule 7, may authorise an officer of the rank of senior executive officer or above hereinafter referred to as an “authorised person” to distrain upon the goods and chattels of that person.


    (2)   For the purpose of levying any such distress, the “authorised person” may break open, in the day-time, any house or premises, calling to his or her assistance any constable. Every such constable shall, when so required, aid and assist the “authorised person” in the execution of the warrant and in levying the distress in the house or premises.


    (3)   A distress levied by the authorised person shall be kept for any period not exceeding 30 days, at the costs and charges of the person neglecting or refusing to pay.


    (4)   If the person from whom such tax is recoverable does not pay the sum due, together with the costs and charges, within the said 30 days, the goods and chattels distrained upon shall be sold by public auction by the authorised person or any person deputed by him or her for payment of the sum due and all costs and charges. The costs and charges of taking, keeping and selling the distress shall be retained by the authorised person or any person deputed by him or her, and any surplus arising from the distress, after the deduction of the costs and charges and of the sum due, shall be restored to the owner of the goods and chattels distrained.


    (5)   Every sale under subsection (4) shall be held at such time and place as the Comptroller shall direct and notice of such sale shall be published in the Gazette.


    (6)   In this section “constable” includes any member of the police service and any member of the special reserve, a special constable or a rural constable appointed under the Police Act.