(1) A Magistrate shall issue a warrant of surrender in the manner prescribed at Form C of the Schedule where a person has been—
(a) committed to custody to await surrender to the requesting country under section 8 or section 10(3)(b) and has not applied or a review of the Magistrate's decision within the time stipulated under section 11(3); or
(b) ordered by the High Court to custody.
(2) The surrender warrant issued under subsection (1) shall—
(a) require any person who has custody of the person, to hand the person over to a police officer;
(b) authorise a police officer to —
(i) transport the person from a place where the police officer takes custody of the person to another place within Saint Lucia for the purpose of handing the person over to the custody of an escorting officer assigned by the requesting country, and
(ii) hold the person in custody for so long as is necessary to enable the person to be handed over to the assigned escorting officer; and
(c) authorise the assigned escorting officer to transport the person out of Saint Lucia.
(3) If the person is serving a custodial sentence, or has been admitted to bail in Saint Lucia for an offence committed or allegedly committed in Saint Lucia, the surrender warrant shall not be executed until—
(a) the person has been released from custody; or
(b) the recognisances have been discharged.