Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

10.   Surrender proceedings


    (1)   At the beginning of the proceedings for the return of a remanded person under section 8(a) or (b), the Magistrate shall ask the person if he or she consents to being surrendered.


    (2)   The Magistrate shall inform the person who —


      (a)     consents to be surrendered under subsection (1); and


      (b)     the magistrate is satisfied consents voluntarily, that he or she shall be —


        (i)     committed to a correctional facility without further proceedings; and


        (ii)     returned to the requesting country as soon as practicable.


    (3)   Where the person maintains his or her consent to being returned after being informed by the Magistrate under subsection (2), the Magistrate shall order that the person be—


      (a)     surrendered to the requesting country by warrant issued in the manner prescribed at Form C of the Schedule; and


      (b)     committed to a correctional facility by warrant issued in the manner prescribed at Form E of the Schedule until the person is returned to the requesting country.


    (4)   Where the Magistrate determines that the person should be surrendered, the Magistrate shall —


      (a)     order that the person be committed to a correctional facility by warrant issued in the manner prescribed at Form D of the Schedule until the person is surrendered to the requesting country;


      (b)     inform the person that he or she may, within 15 days of the day on which the order is made, seek a review of the order under section 11;


      (c)     record in writing his or her decision and the offence for which the person is to be surrendered; and


      (d)     give a copy of the record referred to in paragraph (c) to the person and to the Attorney General.


    (5)   Notwithstanding subsection (1), where the Magistrate determines that the person should be surrendered and the person is serving a custodial sentence in Saint Lucia for an offence committed in Saint Lucia, the Magistrate shall refer the matter to the Attorney General.


    (6)   Where the Magistrate determines that the person should not be surrendered to the requesting country, the Magistrate shall —


      (a)     order that the person be released pending any application under section 11(2) from the requesting country for a review of the order; and


      (b)     advise the Attorney General in writing of the order and of his or her reasons for determining that the person should not be surrendered.