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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Fundamental rights and freedoms
2. Protection of right to life
3. Protection of right to personal liberty
4. Protection from slavery and forced labour
5. Protection from inhuman treatment
6. Protection from deprivation of property
7. Protection from arbitrary search or entry
8. Provisions to secure protection of law
9. Protection of freedom of conscience
10. Protection of freedom of expression
11. Protection of freedom of assembly and association
12. Protection of freedom of movement
13. Protection from discrimination on the grounds of race, etc
14. Emergency powers
15. Protection of persons detained under emergency laws
16. Enforcement of protective provisions
17. Declaration of emergency
18. Interpretation and savings
19. Establishment of office
20. Acting Governor General
21. Oaths
22. Deputy to Governor General
23. Establishment
24. Composition
25. Qualifications
26. Disqualifications
27. Tenure of office
28. Inability
29. President and Deputy President
30. Composition
31. Qualifications for election
32. Disqualifications for election
33. Elections
34. Tenure of office
35. Speaker
36. Deputy Speaker
37. Responsibility for elections
38. Clerks of Senate and House of Assembly and their staff
39. Determination of questions of membership
40. Power to make laws
41. Alteration of Constitution and Supreme Court Order
42. Freedom of speech
43. Oath by Members
44. Presiding
45. Voting
46. Penalty for sitting if unqualified
47. Mode of exercise of legislative power
48. Restrictions with regard to certain financial measures
49. Restrictions on powers of Senate as to money bills
50. Restrictions on powers of Senate as to bills other than money bills
51. Provision relating to ss. 49 and 50
52. Scrutiny of electoral legislation
53. Regulation of procedure
54. Sessions
55. Prorogation and dissolution
56. Holdings of elections
57. Constituency Boundaries Commission and Electoral Commission
58. Review of constituency boundaries
59. Executive authority
60. Ministers of the Government
61. Cabinet of Ministers
62. Allocation of portfolios to Ministers
63. Performance of functions of Ministers during absence or illness
64. EXERCISE of Governor General's functions
65. Governor General to be informed concerning matters of government
66. Oaths to be taken by Ministers, etc
67. Leader of the Opposition
68. Parliamentary Secretaries
69. Permanent Secretaries
70. Secretary to the Cabinet
71. Constitution of offices, etc
72. Attorney General
73. Control of public prosecutions
74. Prerogative of mercy
75. Committee on Prerogative of mercy
76. Procedure in capital cases
77. Consolidated Fund
78. Withdrawals from Consolidated Fund or other public funds
79. Authorisation of expenditure from Consolidated Fund by appropriation law
80. Authorisation of expenditure in advance of appropriation
81. Contingencies Fund
82. Remuneration of certain officers
83. Public debt
84. Audit of public accounts, etc
85. Public Service Commission
86. Appointment etc., of public officers
87. Appointment, etc., of Permanent Secretaries and certain other officers
88. Chief Elections Officer
89. Director of Public Prosecutions
90. Director of Audit
91. Appointment, etc. of magistrates, registrars and legal officers
92. Teaching Service Commission
93. Appointment, etc., of teachers
94. Police Force
95. Public Service Board of Appeal
96. Appeals in discipline cases
97. Pensions laws and protection of pensions rights
98. Power to withhold pensions, etc
99. Persons who become citizens on 22 February 1979
100. Persons born in Saint Lucia on or after 22 February 1979
101. Persons born outside Saint Lucia on or after 22 February 1979
102. Registration
103. Acquisition, deprivation and renunciation
104. Interpretation
105. Original Jurisdiction of High Court in constitutional questions
106. Reference of constitutional questions to High Court
107. Appeals to Court of Appeal
108. Appeals to Her Majesty in Council
109. Interpretation
110. Appointment, etc., of Commissioner
111. Deputy Parliamentary Commissioner
112. Functions of Commissioner
113. Restrictions on matters for investigation
114. Discretion of Commissioner
115. Report on investigation
116. Power to obtain evidence
117. Prescribed matters concerning Commissioner
118. The integrity Commission
119. Declaration of assets
120. Supreme law
121. Functions of Governor General
122. Resignations
123. Re-appointment and concurrent appointments
124. Interpretation
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3