Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Bicycle Traffic Regulations – Section 2

(Statutory Instruments 5/1923 and 31/1941)

Statutory Instrument 5/1923 .. in force 31 March 1923

Amended by S.I. 31/1941


Commencement [31 March 1923]


    1.   The Commissioner of Police shall keep a register for the registration of bicycles and tricycles.


    2.   (1)   The owner of every bicycle and tricycle shall register it with the Commissioner of Police who shall assign a separate number to each bicycle or tricycle. Every change of ownership shall be registered.


      (2)     The Commissioner of Police shall stamp on such bicycle or tricycle an identification mark. The registered number of the bicycle or tricycle shall be exhibited on a plate 3½ inches broad by 2 inches high, which plate shall be of a different colour for each half-year and shall be provided by the Commissioner of Police free of cost. The identification plate shall be affixed on the rear fork of the bicycle or tricycle in such a manner as the Commissioner of Police may require.


      (3)     At the end of every half-year the owner of a registered bicycle or tricycle shall deliver up the plate provided to him or her by the Commissioner of Police. In the event of his or her being unable to do so he or she shall pay the sum of $0.24 into the revenue of Saint Lucia to cover the cost thereof.


      (4)     If during the period of the half-year for which the bicycle or tricycle is registered a plate is lost or destroyed, the owner shall apply to the Commissioner of Police for a new plate for which he or she shall pay the sum of $0.24.


    3.   A person shall not ride a bicycle or tricycle on any public way or place in a reckless or negligent manner, or at a speed which may be dangerous to the public.


    4.   If a bicycle or tricycle is used on a public way or place without being registered, or if the identification plate to be affixed, in accordance with these Regulations, is not so affixed, or if being so affixed it is in any way obscured or rendered or allowed to become not easily distinguishable the owner of the bicycle or tricycle and the person riding it commit an offence unless in the case of a prosecution for obscuring an identification plate or rendering or allowing it to become not easily distinguishable he or she proves that he or she has taken all steps reasonably practicable to prevent the identification plate being obscured or rendered not easily distinguishable.


    5.   A person shall not ride any bicycle or tricycle on any sidewalk or pavement.


    6.   Whenever between the hours following, namely— on and from 1 April to 15 October inclusive, between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the next day; on and from 16 October in any year until the end of March in the following year, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. of the next day, a bicycle or tricycle is used on a public way or place a lamp shall be kept burning on the bicycle and so placed as to exhibit during the periods mentioned a white light visible within a reasonable distance in the direction towards which the bicycle or tricycle is proceeding or is intended to proceed.


    7.   (1)   Any person riding a bicycle or tricycle shall when meeting any carriage, horse, or cattle, keep the bicycle or tricycle on the left or near the side of the public way or place, and when passing any carriage, horse, or cattle, proceeding in the same direction, keep the bicycle or tricycle on the right or off side of the same.


      (2)     Such person shall not negligently or wilfully prevent hinder, or interrupt the free passage of any person, carriage, horse, or cattle on any public way or place, and shall keep the bicycle or tricycle on the left or near side of the road for the purpose of allowing such passage.


      (3)     There shall be attached to every bicycle or tricycle a bell or other instrument capable of giving audible and sufficient warning of its approach or position and every person riding a bicycle or tricycle, shall by sounding the bell or other instrument give audible and sufficient warning of the approach or position of the bicycle or tricycle and he or she must also sound the bell or other instrument when approaching corners, bends, or cross-roads.


      (4)     The use of any public way or place by bicycles or tricycles may be prohibited by notice signed by the Commissioner of Police and posted in a conspicuous place at or near where such stoppage or traffic is to be enforced.


    8.   Any person acting in contravention of these Regulations is liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding $24 as is prescribed in the Bicycle Traffic Act.