2. Interpretation
(1) In this Act —
“account” means a facility by which a financial institution or person engaged in other business activity —
(a) accepts deposits of money;
(b) allows withdrawals or transfers of money;
(c) pays or collects cheques or payment orders drawn on a financial institution or person engaged in other business activity by a person or on behalf of a person;
(d) supplies a safety deposit box; or
(e) engages in any other activity for and on behalf of an account holder;
“Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs” means the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs established under the Drugs (Prevention of Misuse) Act or any enactment replacing it;
“Authority” means the Financial Intelligence Authority continued under section 4;
“beneficial owner” means a natural person —
(a) who ultimately owns or controls a company or legal arrangement;
(b) who exercises ultimate effective control over a legal person or a legal arrangement, such as a senior manager or signatory; or
(c) on whose behalf a transaction or activity is being conducted;
(Inserted by Act 16 of 2021)
“Central Bank”, in relation to the supervision of a licensed financial institution, means the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank established under Article 3 of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Agreement, the text of which is set out in the Schedule to the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Agreement Act; (Inserted by Act 13 of 2019 and substituted by Act 16 of 2021)
“Court” means the High Court;
“criminal conduct” means —
(a) terrorist financing;
(b) proliferation financing;
(c) an indictable or a summary offence; or
(d) an offence triable summarily or on indictment,
committed, in or outside Saint Lucia;
(Substituted by Act 20 of 2016 and by Act 16 of 2021)
“Director” means the Director of the Financial Intelligence Authority appointed under section 4;
“document” includes —
(a) a thing on which there is writing, marks, figures, symbols or perforations, having a meaning for a person qualified to interpret the writing, marks, figures, symbols or perforations;
(b) a thing from which sounds, images or writing may be reproduced; and
(c) a map, plan, drawing or photograph;
“domestic politically exposed person”, in relation to Saint Lucia, means an individual who is entrusted with a prominent public function in Saint Lucia, such as —
(a) the Head of State;
(b) the Head of Government;
(c) a senior politician;
(d) a senior government official;
(e) a judicial official;
(f) a military official;
(g) a senior executive of a state-owned corporation;
(h) an important political party official;
(Inserted by Act 16 of 2021)
“drug trafficking offence” means —
(a) possession of a controlled drug for the purpose of supplying contrary to section 8(3) of the Drug (Prevention of Misuse) Act;
(b) trafficking in a controlled drug contrary to section 16 of the Drug (Prevention of Misuse) Act;
(c) assisting another to retain the benefit of drug trafficking contrary to section 17 of the Drug (Prevention of Misuse) Act;
“Financial Action Task Force” means the inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of policies, both at national and international levels, to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing; (Amended by Act 16 of 2021)
“financial institution” means a financial institution listed in Part A of Schedule 2;
“Foreign Financial Intelligence Unit” means a body or bodies outside of Saint Lucia which performs functions similar to the Authority;
“foreign politically exposed person”, in relation to a country other than Saint Lucia, means an individual who is entrusted with a prominent public function by a country other than Saint Lucia, such as —
(a) the Head of State;
(b) the Head of Government;
(c) a senior politician;
(d) a senior government official;
(e) a judicial official;
(f) a military official;
(g) a senior executive of a state-owned corporation;
(h) an important political party official;
(Inserted by Act 16 of 2021)
“forfeiture” means the permanent deprivation of property by order of a court or other competent authority;
“forfeiture order” means an order made under section 24;
“freeze” means to temporarily prohibit the transfer, conversion, disposition or movement of property or to temporarily assume custody or control of property on the basis of an order by a court or other competent authority;
“freezing order” means an order made under section 23;
“guidance notes” means guidance notes issued by the Authority under section 6(f);
“identification record” means —
(a) documentary evidence to prove the identity of a person who is a nominee, agent, beneficiary or principal in relation to a transaction; or
(b) in the case where the person is a corporate body —
(i) incorporated in Saint Lucia, the certificate of incorporation of that body,
(ii) incorporated outside of Saint Lucia, the authenticated certificate of incorporation or equivalent document of that body,
(iii) the most recent annual return to the Registrar of the Court in Saint Lucia where the corporate body is incorporated abroad, or
(iv) documentary evidence to prove the identity of an officer of the corporate body;
“international politically exposed person”, in relation to an international organization, means an individual who is entrusted with prominent functions by an international organization, such as —
(a) a director;
(b) a deputy director;
(c) a member of a board of directors;
(d) a member of senior management;
(Inserted by Act 16 of 2021)
“joint account” means an account held by 2 or more persons;
“Minister” means the Attorney General;
“money laundering” means conduct which constitutes an offence under section 28, 29, or 30; (Inserted by Act 20 of 2016)
“other business activity” means the business activities listed in Part B of Schedule 2;
“person” includes any entity, natural or juridical, a corporation, partnership, trust or estate, joint stock company, association, syndicate, joint venture, or other unincorporated organization or group, capable of acquiring rights or entering into obligations; (Substituted by Act 20 of 2016)
“politically exposed person” means —
(a) a domestic politically exposed person;
(b) a foreign politically exposed person; or
(c) an international politically exposed person;
(Inserted by Act 16 of 2021)
“proceeds” (Deleted by Act 20 of 2016)
“proceeds of criminal conduct” means property —
(a) derived from or obtained directly or indirectly; or
(b) mingled with any property derived from or obtained directly or indirectly;
by any person from the commission of criminal conduct;
(Substituted by Act 20 of 2016)
“property” includes money, movable or immovable property, corporeal or incorporeal property and an interest in property;
“requesting State” means a State which makes a request to Saint Lucia for assistance under letters rogatory the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act or any enactment replacing it; (Amended by Act 16 of 2021)
“relevant offence” (Deleted by Act 20 of 2016)
“terrorist financing”, in relation to a financial institution and a person engaged in other business activity, has the meaning assigned under Part 1 of the Schedule to the Anti-Terrorism (Guidelines for Financial Institutions) Regulations; (Inserted by Act 16 of 2021)
“transaction” includes —
(a) any deposit, withdrawal, exchange or transfer of funds in any currency whether in cash or by cheque, payment order or other instrument or by electronic or other non-physical means, such as a wire transfer; (Amended by Act 16 of 2021)
(b) any payment made or received in satisfaction in whole or in part of any contractual or legal obligation;
(c) a matter between the holders of a joint account relating to the joint account;
(d) entering into a fiduciary relationship;
(e) an internet transaction;
(f) opening of a joint account where the purpose of the account is to facilitate a transaction between the holders of the joint account;
(g) opening of an account; and
(h) the purchase of anything or service including any service provided by a financial institution or person engaged in other business activity;
(Substituted by Act 20 of 2016)
“transaction record” includes where relevant to a transaction —
(a) the identification records of a person who is a party to a transaction;
(b) a description of the transaction sufficient to identify the date, purpose and method of execution;
(c) the details of any account used for a transaction including the name of the financial institution or person engaged in other business activity, address and sort code;
(d) the total value of the transaction;
(e) the name and address of the employee in the financial institution or person engaged in other business activity who prepared the transaction record;
(f) all business correspondence relating to the transaction;
(g) documents relating to the background and purpose of the transaction; (Amended by Act 16 of 2021)
(h) a documented analysis conducted of matters specified under paragraphs (a) to (g); (Inserted by Act 16 of 2021)
(Substituted by Act 20 of 2016)
“ultimately own and control” means a direct or an indirect ownership or control of twenty-five per cent or more of the shares, voting rights or ownership interest in a company or a legal arrangement. (Inserted by Act 16 of 2021)
(2) A reference in this Act to a document includes a reference to —
(a) part of a document; and
(b) a copy, reproduction or duplicate of the document, or of part of the document.