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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short Title
2. Interpretation
3. Licence to brew
4. Charges on brewery products
5. Maximum Alcohol content of beer
6. Beer to be deposited in an approved warehouse
7. Duty to be charged on volume
8. Duty to be paid on deficiency
9. Mode of ascertaining gravity
10. Collection by Comptroller
11. Regulation
12. Destruction of spoilt beer
13. Qualification as to remission of duty on spoilt beer
14. Brewer to maintain Book in approved form
15. Cancellations or alterations in Brewing Book
16. Marking of vessels and rooms
17. Application for approval of processes vessels and rooms
18. Entry of premises
19. Record of materials used in brewing of beer
20. prohibition against adulteration of beer
21. Power to take samples
22. Brewer to provide and maintain scales weights and other appliances
23. Penalty for using false scales or weights
24. Officer's power of access
25. Power to enter and search for concealed pipes or vessels
26. Obstruction of officer
27. Use of noxious substance
28. Duty free admission of materials for brewing
29. Jurisdiction
Brewery Regulations – Section 11