General Information |
1. Name |
2. Address |
3. Telephone Number(s) (Work) (Cell) |
4. Fax |
5. Email |
6. Farmer or fisher registration number |
7. Identification card number |
8. Social Security Number |
9. Location of facility/operation |
10. Access to land/facility/fishing vessel or boat |
[ ] Land – Name of land owner |
Block and Parcel Number |
Size of property (hectares/acres) |
Lease Agreement (must be submitted with application) |
[ ] Facility – Name of land owner |
[ ] Name of owner of fishing vessel/boat |
11. Name of agricultural project (reason for applying for the agricultural or fisheries) incentives |
Information on type of agricultural activity |
Please specify the type of agricultural activity |
(a) [ ] crop production | (d) [ ] livestock |
[ ] banana | [ ] poultry |
[ ] cocoa | [ ] swine |
[ ] coconuts | [ ] rabbit |
[ ] vegetables | [ ] goat |
[ ] food/root crops | [ ] cattle |
[ ] fruit/tree crop | [ ] sheep |
| [ ] bees |
[ ] cut flowers/horticulture | [ ] other |
[ ] other | |
(b) [ ] processor |
(c) [ ] non-timber forest produce | (e) [ ] other |
Information on fishing activity |
Please specify the type of fishing activity |
[ ] aquaculture/mariculture | [ ] off shore fishing |
[ ] near shore fishing | [ ] other |
[ ] processor |
Existing enterprises |
1. Number of years in operation |
2. Number of employees |
3. Please give an estimate of the sales volume during the previous year |
4. Please give an estimate of the sales value in the previous year (EC$) |
5. Please provide a list of clients/markets |
Domestic | Regional | International |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
6. Please specify any financial resources |
New enterprise |
1. Please attach your business plan to this application. |
2. Please specify any financial resources (applicant must attach a copy of any proof to show access to financial resource.) |
[ ] loan | [ ] if other, specify |
[ ] cash |
3. Please provide a list of potential clients/markets |
Domestic | Regional | International |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
4. Number of employees |
Agriculture and fisheries incentives |
1. Please specify the type of agriculture or fisheries incentives requested |
[ ] exemption from the payment of income tax |
[ ] exemption from the payment of service charge |
[ ] exemption from excise tax |
[ ] exemption import duties |
[ ] in the case of registered fishers only, fuel rebate (Specify value) |
2. Please specify the item for which agriculture or fisheries incentives are being requested |
3. If applicable, please state the estimated Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF) value |
| |
Signature of applicant | Date |