Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Schedule 1

(Section 3)

Specific Eligibility Criteria means —

ProducersSpecific criteria
1.     BananasMinimum land area of 2 hectares technology aided assistance land capability classes – A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 satisfies certification requirements no cultivation within 25 metres of watercourse other site specific conditions
2.     CocoaMinimum land area of 2 hectares land capability classes – A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 other site specific conditions
ProducersSpecific criteria
3.     Coconuts (fresh)Minimum land area of 2 hectares land capability classes – A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 other site specific conditions
4.     VegetablesMinimum land area of 0.5 hectares Technology aided assistance Satisfies certification requirements of no cultivation within 25 metres of water – courses other cite specific conditions
5.     Fruit and tree cropsSatisfies certification requirements land capacity classes Al, A2, B1, B2, C1 other site specific requirements
6.     Food and root cropsSatisfies certification requirements land capability classes A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 no cultivation within 25 meters of water courses other site specific conditions
7.     Cut flowers or horticultureMinimum land area 0.4 hectares technology aided assistance other site specific conditions
8.     Non-timber forest produceMinimum land area 0.5 hectares land capability classes A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 other site specific requirements
9.     PoultryMinimum flock size of 3000 birds
10.     SwineMinimum unit capacity of 10 sows site must be located at least 15 metres from watercourses proper waste management disposal
11.     RabbitMinimum capacity of 20 does
12.     Sheep/goatMinimum herd size of 20 ewes or does mandatory requirement of fenced pastures
13.     CattleMinimum herd size of 10 head minimum pasturage acreage of 2 hectares appropriate restraints
14.     ApicultureMinimum 20 hives
B.     Fishers
1.     All fishersMandatory licensing and registration requirements Compliance with Fisheries legislation
2.     Aquaculture space of 0.2 ha (0.5 ac)Minimum pond surface or marine
C.     Processors
1.     All processorsMandatory Health Certificate