(1) The Port Manager may, with the approval of the Governor General, appoint a public officer or other competent or independent person to inspect any vessel being in any waters to which this Act applies, and any person so appointed or the Port Manager may at all reasonable times enter upon the vessel and examine the measures adopted to prevent the escape of oil.
(2) If it is represented to the Port Manager by any local authority that there is reason to suspect that oil is escaping or has escaped whether directly or indirectly, into waters to which this Act applies from premises adjacent to or in the neighbourhood of those waters, the Port Manager may, with the approval of the Governor General, appoint a public officer or other competent or independent person to inspect the premises, and any officer or person so appointed may at all reasonable times enter upon and inspect the premises.
(3) If any person obstructs or interferes with any person authorised to enter on any premises or vessels under this section, he or she, on summary conviction, is liable in respect of each offence to a fine not exceeding $48.
(Amended by Act 7 of 1972)