Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

18.   Refusal to answer or making false answers


    (1)   A person is liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $ 48 who, when offering for sale or disposal otherwise any timber to a dealer, refuses to answer, or makes any false answer, to, any question put to him or her by such dealer or his or her servant or person in charge of such dealer's business place or premises for the purpose of ascertaining—


      (a)     his or her name and abode;


      (b)     the particular situation of the land of which such timber is the produce;


      (c)     whether he or she is the owner, tenant or contractor in occupation of any such land or the servant or agent of any such owner, tenant or contractor.


    (2)   The dealer to whom any timber is offered for sale or otherwise, or his or her servant, or person in charge of such dealer's business, place or premises or any person authorised by such dealer, may—


      (a)     apprehend any person who acts in contravention of the provisions of subsection (1);


      (b)     take or cause such person to be taken to a police station of the district for the purpose of being detained there unless or until bailed or otherwise dealt with according to law;


      (c)     retain the timber to be dealt with as the magistrate directs.

Forest Reserves