(1) A person who wishes to rectify his or her record of civil status shall apply to the Registrar in the prescribed form.
(2) A parent or guardian may apply, in the prescribed form, to rectify a record of civil status of a person who is their issue.
(3) (a) Subject to paragraph (b), a person who wishes to rectify a record of civil status of another person, shall apply to the Registrar in the prescribed form, supported by an authorisation letter in the prescribed form.
(b) Where a person is unable to produce an authorization letter as referred to in paragraph (a), the Registrar may accept any other document or information as required.
(4) Where information is not readily available to support an application to rectify a record of civil status, the Registrar may accept any other document or information as required.
(5) The Registrar may refer an application to rectify an error in an entry in a record of civil status to a Judge of the High Court for determination.
(Inserted by Act 10 of 2014)