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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short Title
2. Interpretation
3. Importation of volatile petroleum forbidden
4. Consignee of petroleum for importation to give notice to Director of Finance and Planning
5. Landing and storage of petroleum not being volatile
6. Proceeding in case of volatile petroleum
7. Power to Director of Finance and Planning to test or retest petroleum suspected of being volatile in Warehouse
8. Volatile petroleum in bond to be forfeited and seized by Director of Finance and Planning
9. Proceeding in case of test being disrupted by owner of petroleum
10. Petroleum certified to be non-volatile on fresh test not to be considered volatile
11. If petroleum on fresh test is certified as volatile testing fees to be paid by person demanding such test
12. Power to Director of Finance and Planning in cases of ships requiring quick despatch
13. Names of persons authorised to test to be published in Gazette
14. Remuneration to testers
15. Test to be “Abel's Petroleum Testing Apparatus”
16. Governor General may make rules
17. Penalty
18. Exemption of petroleum not used for burning, &c
19. Prohibition of selling petroleum without licence
20. Granting of licence
21. Duration of licence
22. Appeal to the Governor General from refusal of Director of Finance and Planning to grant licence
23. Penalty for keeping, offering or exposing for sale petroleum contrary to provisions of Act
24. Restriction on quantity of petroleum to be kept otherwise than in the Petroleum Warehouse
25. Tariff of charges for storing petroleum in the Warehouse
26. Mode of dealing with forfeited petroleum
27. Holder of licence liable for breach of Act by any member of his or her family
28. Mode of recovery of penalties
29. Exemption of petroleum imported for use of War Department
Schedule 1
Schedule 2