Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

44. Attorney-at-law not to commence or defend actions whilst in prison


    (1) An attorney-at-law whilst a prisoner in any prison shall not act as an attorney-at-law, in his or her own name or in the name of any other attorney-at-law, issue any writ or process, or commence, prosecute or defend any action or any matter in bankruptcy.


    (2) An attorney-at-law commencing, prosecuting or defending any action, or matter in contravention of this section shall be incapable of maintaining any action for the recovery of any costs in respect of any business done by him or her whilst so confined as described in subsection (1), and the attorney-at-law and any attorney-at-law permitting him or her to commence, prosecute or defend any such action or matter in his or her name commits professional misconduct and upon being found guilty in disciplinary proceedings by the Committee is liable to any punishment which the Committee may impose under section 39.