(1) In order to protect clients against loss of money or property held on their behalf by attorneys-at-law, the Council shall have power, upon an order of a judge of the Court, to control the keeping and distribution of money held by a banker in any client's account of an attorney-at-law.
(2) Subject to rules of court, a judge of the Court, if he or she thinks it necessary or expedient in the interests of the clients to do so, may make an order under subsection (1) where—
(a) the judge after due inquiry is satisfied that an attorney-at-law or his or her servant or agent commits fraud or improper conduct with respect to a client's money or property;
(b) after the death of the attorney-at-law concerned if the attorney-at-law immediately before his or her death was practising as an attorney-at-law on his or her own account and not in partnership with another attorney-at-law.