Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Schedule 1

(Section 3(2))

1.   Composition of the Board

The Board shall consist of—


    (a)     the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (chairperson);


    (b)     the Director of Agricultural Services of the Ministry of Agriculture;


    (c)     the Chief Engineer of the Water and Sewerage Authority;


    (d)     the Chief Technical Officer, Physical Planning;


    (e)     the Chief Engineer, Ministry of Communications, Works and Transport;


    (f)     the Chief Forest and Land Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture;


    (g)     the Senior Agricultural Engineer of the Agricultural Engineering Services Division who will be the Executive Secretary of the Board with voting rights;


    (h)     4 other members not being government officials shall be appointed by the Minister. They shall have an active interest in land conservation and at least 2 of them shall be from the out districts.

2.   Vacancy


    (a)     The Minister may, with the advice of the Board, appoint a suitable person to act in the place of any member of the Board in the case of the absence, or inability of such member to act.


    (b)     A member who is appointed by the Minister with the advice of the Board to fill a vacancy created by the death, resignation or removal from office for cause of such a member mentioned shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of such member.

3.   Tenure of office


    (a)     A member of the Board mentioned in paragraph (1), shall hold office for 3 years unless that member resigns or is removed from office by the Minister for cause before the end of the first term.


    (b)     Any person appointed under paragraph (1) is eligible for reappointment for a further term.

4.   Resignation

A member of the Board mentioned in paragraph (1) of the Schedule may resign his or her office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister transmitted through the chairperson and from the date of the receipt of such instrument by the Minister such member shall cease to be a member of the Board.

5.   Quorum

Six members of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.

6.   Voting

The decision of the Board shall be by a majority of votes. In any case in which the voting is equal, the chairperson presiding at the meeting shall have a single casting vote only.

7.   Meetings

The Board shall meet at such times as may be necessary or expedient for the transaction of business and such meetings shall be held at such places and times and on such days as the Board determines.

8.   Expenses

The Board may incur at such times as may be necessary or expedient for the transaction of its business expenses pertaining to the payment of honorarium, travel, or other expenses approved by the chairperson and these may be charged to the Board's account.

9.   Appointment of committee

The Board may appoint a committee for any of the purposes of the Board which in its opinion would be better regulated or managed by a committee and may delegate any of its powers to a committee as it thinks fit.

10.   Chairperson

The chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Board and where the chairperson is absent from any meeting the members present may elect one of their members to act as chairperson for that meeting.

11.   Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out the policy and supervising the activities undertaken by the Board.

12.   Execution of documents

All documents made by and all decisions of the Board may be signified under the hand of the chairperson, or the Executive Secretary or any member of the Board authorised by the chairperson to act on their behalf.