(1) In any criminal proceedings a certificate signed by a ballistics expert shall be admitted as evidence of the matters so certified without the expert being required to attend in person to give evidence at such proceedings.
(2) Despite subsection (1), where it is intended to introduce a certificate as evidence, the party intending to introduce the certificate shall give the other party at least 10 clear days written notice of its intention together with a copy of the certificate.
(3) A party may, within 7 days after receipt of a notice under subsection (2) and before the commencement of the proceedings, object to the admission in evidence of the certificate and may request the court to order the attendance of the ballistic expert to give evidence.
(4) The court may, within 3 days after receiving the request, if satisfied that the request is justifiable, order the attendance of the ballistic expert and the cost of attendance shall be borne by the party making the request unless the court orders otherwise.
(5) In this section 'ballistic expert' means a person knowledgeable in the science of missiles and firearms who is recognised or certified by the Commissioner by notice published in the Gazette.