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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
2M. Board to regulate its own procedures
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
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2M. Board to regulate its own procedures
Subject to this Act, the Board shall regulate its own procedures.
(Inserted by Act 18 of 2022)
2M. Board to regulate its own procedures
1. Short title
3. Prohibited weapons and ammunition
4. Application for and grant of licence
5. Provisional licence
6. Qualification for licence originally applied for
8. Suspension
9. Revocation
10. Appeals
11. Prohibitions in relation to licences
12. False statement in connection with licence
13. Firearm user licence
14. Estate gun licence
17. Antique firearm collector licence
19. Sporting firearm licence
20. Firearm user (employee) sub-licence
23. Exemptions
25. Prohibition against discharging firearm in public
28. Restriction on sale of firearm or ammunition
29. Restriction on sale of ammunition
30. Prohibition against acquisition etc. by persons under 18 years
31. Prohibition against supplying firearms to persons under 18 years
32. Travellers to declare
33. Travellers in possession of firearms
34. Custody of firearms or ammunition by officer of Customs
35. Territorial waters
37. Powers of seizure and arrest
38. Power of search
42. Custody of firearm
43. Slaughtering instruments
45. Carrying firearm or ammunition in parts
52. General penalty provision
54. Non application of Act
Firearms (Fees) Regulations
7. Duration of licence
44. Forfeiture order
2. Interpretation
2B. Disqualification
2C. Chairperson of the Board
2E. Functions of the Board
2F. Powers of the Board
2G. Resignation
2H. Revocation
2I. Meetings
2J. Quorum
2K. Declaration of interest and abstention from voting
2L. Decisions of the Board
15. Firearm dealer licence
16. Converting firearm
18. Shooting club licence
21. Firearm import or export licence
22. Prohibition against possession without a licence
24. Prohibition against carrying a firearm or ammunition in public place
26. Possession of firearm with intent to injure
27. Use of firearm or imitation firearm with intent to commit offence
31A. Prohibition against illicit trafficking in firearms or ammunition
36. Power of Commissioner to store firearms and ammunition
39. Power to stop and search vehicle
40. Search warrant
41. Certification
46. Ballistics certificate
47. Compulsory imprisonment
48. Power to order surrender of firearms
49. Duty to report loss etc
50. Inquiry by appropriate authority
51. Powers of the appropriate authority to give permission for shooting range etc.
53. Regulations
55. Savings